How to sell rock songs

If you’ve written a rock song and want to make an income from it, here’s how to sell your rock song! Multiple ways to win Turn on the radio, walk through a department store, watch TV. Income generating rock songs are seemingly everywhere! Some of those sources of income for your song include: Direct downloads from your own website Downloads […]

15 simple secrets to boost metabolism

Your metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories. The faster you burn calories, the more weight you can lose even if you eat the same amount, so it makes sense to do everything you can to increase your metabolic rate if you’re trying to lose a few pounds. You use about 60% of the calories you need […]

Menopause – Change of life?

For many women, menopause can be life-changing, bringing emotional turmoil as well as many physical symptoms. As women reach the end of the supply of eggs they are born with, women may feel a sense of loss, as they are no longer able to have children, they may feel less attractive, and they may also experience a sense of inadequacy. […]

Bird Toys: Nothing Made With Feathers, Please

The selection of bird toys on the market is very wide. Unlike dogs who love to chew on toys, birds entertain themselves with ladders, swings, and objects that swing on strings. Birds love to play with things that move. In a bird’s natural habitat, they are surrounded by moving objects. On a tree, the leaves move with every taste of […]

How to start a lawn care business with little money

As the economy loses more and more momentum, people start to think more seriously about starting their own business. If you’re one of those people and don’t know where to start, there aren’t many business opportunities that qualify you to start on a shoestring budget. But there’s one you can start (even if only part-time to begin with) and be […]

The 5 best value quarterbacks in 2017

The first thing I need to do in this post is define what I mean by a valuable quarterback. By value I mean the return on investment, that is, the team received a performance on the field that was higher than what they had paid for. These may not necessarily be the names you’re thinking of, but the teams that […]

The real value of the coins of the Numis network

In a network marketing company, their product is usually a highly inflated piece of crap. There are great products out there, many of you remember the $40.00 bottles of juice or the $60 bottles of vitamins. The problem is, nobody really wants those things. Recently, a rumor has surfaced about the real value of the Numis Network coins. Word on […]