Legal Law

Bachelor’s Degree – BA vs. BS

There are many people who wonder why some bachelor’s degrees, when you earn them, designate you as a bachelor of arts and other bachelor’s degrees designate you as a bachelor of science. Well the answer is very simple.

A Bachelor of Arts is for someone who earns a Bachelor’s degree in any non-technical or science-related field. A Bachelor of Science is for someone who earns a degree in a science-related field. The designations are established by the schools themselves.

So what is the difference? Really matters?

The answer to that question may surprise you. Of great importance.

The reasons won’t be immediately apparent to the student, but when he or she enters the real world to get a job, he or she is in for a rude awakening if he or she is looking for a specific type of job and doesn’t. you have a bachelor of science.

If you’re scratching your head wondering why this is important, the answer is this. Most Bachelor of Science programs are a bit more intense than a Bachelor of Arts program. In other words, in addition to the degree having to be in a science-related field, the degree itself will contain more required courses than a Bachelor of Arts. Of course, this varies from university to university, but within each school, the bachelor of science program is always more intense than the bachelor of arts program. There may be one more required course per semester, or more required science courses. The final translation is that the program is more difficult to pass; in some cases, much more difficult.

So why is it important? Well, there are certain jobs, like in the fields of engineering, chemistry, and physics, just to name a few, where if you look in the classified ads in your local newspaper, they will clearly say, “A Bachelor of Science is required.” “. . So if you graduated from college with a Bachelor of Arts, you won’t be able to apply for that job. Oh, you can still submit your resume, but don’t expect to be called for an interview.

Now, this is where this becomes very important. There are some universities that will allow you to earn a degree in mathematics, which is technically one of the sciences. The program does not have as many requirements. So when you graduate, even though you technically have a degree in one of the sciences, due to the fact that you don’t have a bachelor of science, you won’t be eligible for that particular job that says “bachelor of science required.” “.

It may sound like a nitpick, but these companies want to know that you can beat the toughest curriculum. They want to know that you have a good chance of being able to handle the job you are applying for. Is there really a big difference between a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science? In an undergraduate program, probably not too much. But in the minds of companies, where there is so much competition for jobs, it’s a big problem.

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