How green is your ink?

E-cycle … recycle … return … remanufacture … reuse … recharge Are you getting confused? This is not a new thesaurus that I am trying to compile. This is just a list of words that are often heard when we talk about ink cartridges. So many “re” make you “rethink” the environmental friendliness of the ink cartridge you use. Does […]

Finding The Best Dance Classes For Kids – Dance classes are good for both adults and children

Finding The Best Dance Classes For Kids Dance classes are good for both adults and children alike. They’re fun, engaging, active, and an excellent way to make new friends in your community and meet new people as well. In Jersey City, there are an abundant of quality dance studios ranging from simple ballroom to more intense salsa to even hip-hop. […]

What happened in the UK in 1993?

Here are the biggest news, sports and entertainment stories of 1993 … Britain’s longest recession since the 1930s officially ended as the economy grew during the first three months of the year. Conservatives took credit for the spike in fortunes, but critics said it was luck more than anything else. Yet it was accomplished, it was welcomed by the people […]

8 Mile Rap – Are these raps for real?

The 8 mile rap battles are as entertaining as they are unrealistic. The film follows B. Rabbit – which appears to be a slightly altered version of Eminem’s biography – and his rise to rap fame on his Detroit hometurf, affectionately known as “8 Mile.” In his first rap battle with Papa Doc, B. Rabbit chokes. It’s okay, it’s new, […]