Cocaine Cowboys – The True Story of How Drug Smuggling Organizations Work Their Way Into the Government

The True Story of How Drug Smuggling Organizations Work Their Way Into the Government

In 2021, cocaine cowboys and heroin addicts were filmed in an infomercial for a product that was supposed to help users “kick their habit”. The movie failed to attract any support from professionals in the drug treatment field, and the film was not even accepted by the American Film Institute. Its producers took what they learned from Hollywood and turned it into a commercial for crack, snorting, cocaine, heroin, etc. Instead of turning their addiction into a true story of redemption, these two Hollywood celebrities glamorized and exploited a terrible problem in our society.

Instead of turning their story into a true story of recovery, these two famous Miami-based film makers exploited a unique opportunity to make a sensational documentary about the problems that crack cocaine addicts face in our country. Instead of providing a comprehensive non-fiction account of the story, these two famous Miami-based film makers only provided a glamorous glamorized version of the real story of crack-cocaine addiction and its devastating effects on family members, friends, and innocent bystanders. This is not the kind of documentation that those who are working to help those who are addicted to drugs need.

One example of this type of documentation is the video that showed two Miami-Dade County police officers arresting suspected cocaine cowboys in January of 2021. These two cops had been contracted by the United States attorney’s office due to a court order to serve as a monitoring force while the alleged dealers were being investigated for illegal activities within the district. While one cop was placing a drug suspect into a car, another officer did an inspection of the car and found a small amount of cocaine hidden inside the console. These two cops were caught on videotape making statements admitting to the police that they found the cocaine in the car and that they sold the cocaine to an undercover cop that the two cops had been arresting. The news footage of these two cops was widely distributed across the country and features prominently in a number of documentaries about the cocaine trade.

Cocaine Cowboys

Although these two police officers were eventually convicted and received fines, the public did not hear about their misdeeds for many years. Eventually news organizations began publishing news footage of their activities and this sensational news footage helped to bring the cocaine cowboys to the forefront of the American imagination. Eventually, other cities in the southern part of the United States like Saint Petersburg and Tampa Bay became hot destinations for cocaine cowboys. Before long the whole region was known as the cocaine capital of the world.

One such notorious figure of the drug trade in Martha Stewart of Florida. In recent years it has been reported that she is a cocaine goddess that travels around the country giving seminars and public talks to anyone willing to listen about how to become a cocaine godmother. However, in one famous case she was actually caught by the FBI when they searched her home as she tried to hide some drugs inside a wooden box. The authorities found several kilos of cocaine in the wooden box and Martha Stewart was arrested along with her son who was supposedly helping her with the laundering. She was ultimately sentenced to two and a half years in a federal prison in Florida.

There are many more high profile cases of cocaine cowboys that have been exposed over the last few years. Many of these stories can be seen on YouTube and many of them you may have already seen on the news. However, one recent expose that received a lot of attention involved former Canadian MP, now deceased, by Joe Corben, who was a well-known drug trafficker and friend of Joanne Marotta and the late Canadian lawyer, Martinambra Seletto. This 2021 documentary about the drug trade in Canada is truly an eye opener and should be watched by everyone who is interested in the subject.

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