
How to avoid cold calling burnout

Make cold calls without affecting your soul

Traditional old-school cold calling can take a toll on a person’s self-esteem over time. It’s just not natural for someone to hang up on us, or to experience rejection over and over again every day.

Because of this, many of us tend to recoil from even the thought of cold calling. It is a fear-laden experience that is often depressing.

You see, most of us have a mental block around cold calling. We associate cold calling with the worst of selling: the concept of “going to war” where we put on armor and play a mind game with someone we’ve never met.

All of this can be avoided by simply changing your frame of reference. Once you do this, you will really look forward to the adventure of cold calling. You’ll get over those times when you find yourself sitting on the phone physically unable to make a cold call because “exhaustion” has robbed you of energy.

I am suggesting that you do cold calling in a new way, in a conversational way. And without thinking of making a sale.

In order not to focus on “getting the sale”, you must first surrender to the outcome of your call. From this place and this place alone, you can finally connect with your prospect on a human level.

When you do this, you will find yourself more relaxed. And the person on the other end of the phone will not feel like you are there to make a sale, but simply to have a conversation with them to see if you can help in any way.

So the way to do this is to become genuine and helpful. You will be surprised how people respond to you. Also, at the end of the day you will not be exhausted. You will be full of energy and truly happy.

So how do sales happen when you’re not thinking about making them? This is a new human-to-human mentality. Here are 4 important steps to unlock your focus on “making the sale” so you can invite new business relationships without being calculating or manipulative.

1. Adjust your cold calling goal

Before making a cold call, think: “My goal is not to make the sale, but to create a conversation based on how I can help the other person.”

So, with this in mind, start cold calling by entering the other person’s world. Instead of starting with a mini sales pitch, you ask a question based on the problem your product or service can solve for them.

For example, if you offer computer programming, you might say, “I’m just calling to see if your company is having a problem with data loss due to paper filing systems.”

2. Avoid changing who you are when you cold call.

Remain yourself without hiding behind the “salesman” persona. There is no need to be on the “stage” or seem enthusiastic. Just be your relaxed self every day, as if you were calling a friend. People know when you’re being genuine and when you’re not.

When you are simply being a real person instead of adopting a sales persona, you will find that people respond to you much more warmly. It’s amazing how being “real” generates real interest from others.

3. Stop trying to steer the conversation towards a sale.

Instead, open your cold calls with a problem statement that elicits a response like “What do you mean?” or “Tell me more.” And end the conversation with a phrase like, “Well, where do you think we should go from here?”

This keeps you from having “tunnel vision” on how to make a sale. And it opens up a whole world of person-to-person connection. Not only is this fun, but it has a positive effect on your results. You’ll hear great responses like, “I enjoyed talking to you, thanks for your help.”

4. Forget “buyer-seller” thinking

See the person you’re cold calling as someone else, not a “prospect.” Recognize your problems and your goals. Take charge of their world. And help them.

If the service or product you’re offering doesn’t help people in some way, you’d soon be out of business. So figure out exactly what kinds of problems you have a solution for and share from there. And if no sale comes through, you feel good because you’re focusing on being helpful rather than securing a sale.

What I am suggesting is a mental shift away from all the old ideas of manipulating, turning, guiding, playing and closing. Move your cold calling down to a simple human act: building a relationship. When you’re making friends and doing business with people you like and who like you back, cold calling can become a truly enjoyable part of your day.

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