Raymond Carver, Birdman and the American Dream

I never cared for Raymond Carver. I can’t really explain why, but when I was younger I was asked to read Cathedral (considered by many to be his best work) for purely academic purposes. Maybe that’s why I didn’t like the story. Probably because someone in a position of authority (in this case a professor) told me I had to […]

All puppies love to play

The puppy that plays quietly is usually playing safely, while the one that whines loudly may be physically and nervously exhausted. This doesn’t mean the average puppy isn’t lively, because he most certainly is. But just as he gets enough sleep through short naps, he also gets his best exercise in short sessions. Do not encourage him to play when […]

Advantages and Disadvantages of Rental Guarantees

Anyone considering buying an investment property across Australia might be wondering about the methods of renting out the house, apartment or building. In some cases, the property developer may offer a rental guarantee to help attract buyers by offering some stability against pitfalls associated with finding a tenant. While the offer may seem like a good decision, buyers should consider […]

New Year, New You – Part I

January 1st is almost here and it will be gone. The day will pass as quickly as any other day. On December 31 at 11:59, an important fact is constant: TIME WAITS FOR NOBODY. If you’re like millions of Americans across the country, you’ll make New Year’s Resolutions that you promise to keep. You’ll even say an extra special prayer […]

A look back at trendy children’s clothing from the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s

Fashionable children’s clothing has changed over the years. Fashionable children’s clothing reflects what is in fashion in adult clothing at the time. There have been many changes in children’s fashion clothing styles. Fashionable children’s clothing in the 1960s included very short dresses on children until they reached high school. Little girls wore dresses that barely covered their underwear during these […]

The history of the hamburger

At first… We take a look at the enigmatic origins of the world’s most popular food… the hamburger! If you look back a few thousand years, you’ll find that even the ancient Egyptians ate ground beef patties, and over the centuries ground beef has been molded into patties and eaten around the world under many different names. But exactly when […]