Mobile homes: boxes that spit out cash

Whether you call them trailers, mobile homes, or more accurately, manufactured homes, they are worth incorporating into your real estate investment plan. Manufactured homes are the most affordable type of housing available and there is a huge demand for affordable housing in the United States today. Consider that in December 2004, the median price for a home built on the […]

The growing problem of satellite TV theft

For most people, the idea of ​​getting free access to hundreds of channels, including premium movie programming, special sports packages, high-quality digital picture and sound, and unlimited pay-per-view options, probably sounds like a dream come true. reality. And the fact that this “dream” is against the law does not prevent satellite TV piracy from escalating at rates that are a […]

Reality check: is where you go to college really important?

Every year I deal with vain parents, vain students, and vain colleges. Somehow, people believe that a more expensive, higher-profile college offers some kind of career, opportunity, and life advantages. Families are willing to borrow into oblivion to attend and I don’t think it’s worth it. I’m waiting for someone to give me proof. It is not there, the proof. […]

Munchkinville: An Urban Legend From Palm Springs – Did the Wizard of Oz’s Dwarves Settle in the Desert?

Munchkinville, Munchkin Land, Midgetville, Midget Town: They are all names of a mythical place that I had heard about since I was in high school in the 1970s. It was always spoken in the second person. Someone’s brother, uncle, older friend, there was always someone else. Never the person who was counting. The story survives to this day. A niece […]

How to Get the Maximum Out of Kamagra Soft Tabs

How to Get the Maximum Out of Kamagra Soft Tabs In a previous article I wrote about the Kamagra soft tabs. This is another of the erectile dysfunction treatments available and there are quite a large number of men looking for information on where they can get hold of this product. One of the most popular products that is available […]

Innovations, Entrepreneurship and Profits: How They Link Together

What is entrepreneurship? When we think of entrepreneurship, what immediately comes to mind are entrepreneurs and small businesses or businesses. In reality, the definition of entrepreneurship varies depending on the perspective used. It can be a field in business or it can be an activity in which people participate. Describing the processes involved in it defines what entrepreneurship is. Understanding […]

Pachinkos in America: where are they?

Many people in America have pachinkos in their basements, garages, and attics. But they were placed there years ago by parents, or former residents, or maybe they were picked up at garage sales or flea markets. How did these crazy standing Japanese pinball machines end up in America? The history of the Pachinkos in the United States is quite amazing. […]

Exercise at Christmas without a gym

Gyms are pretty deserted at Christmas. Everyone is so busy with preparations, parties, and visits that it’s hard to fit in getting there, changing, and sticking to a routine as regularly as you would the rest of the year. But don’t give up exercise entirely; doing so will make it much more difficult for you to get back on track. […]