Why Corvettes And Rock Music Are A Perfect Combination

Admit it, whenever a Corvette passes by, time has a fun way of standing still, right? The American sports car has been thrilling us since 1953. From its humble beginnings with an in-line six-cylinder engine, to the astonishing blocks of the 1960s and ’70s. 2-speed powerglides to the 6-speed ZF, the Corvette has had it all. the types of transmission […]

Choosing the Right Truck or Van for Your HVACR Business

Buying a new vehicle or vehicles for your HVACR business is an important step in keeping your business healthy and profitable. As with any major purchase, smart shopping techniques and good research are the key to making a good decision. Factors to consider when purchasing new vehicles for your business include considerations such as job duties on the vehicle, its […]

4 Christmas Marketing Ideas for Car Dealers

The weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas are very important to annual sales in many industries, including car sales. Potential customers are buying in greater numbers than the rest of the year, giving car dealers a broader audience to market to. The holiday shopping crowds are also in “shopping mode,” ready to buy items not just for friends and family, but […]

Automatic gas mileage: how to save on gas

Car Gas mileage is the miles your car will travel for each gallon of gas. Let’s look for the fuel consumption of your car. Gas Mileage Tracker can print MPG reports sorted by car or by date at refueling. A blank report can be printed to use as a form to manually fill in the MPG fuel data while at […]

The ABCs of Towing a Trailer: Know Your GVWR and GCWR

When horse owners decide to transport their horse for a short or long distance trip, they tend to focus on choosing the most suitable trailer to buy or rent. Of course, since the safety and comfort of the horse are a primary concern, the choice of trailer is key. That said, one of the biggest mistakes people make is neglecting […]

Book Review: Cliff Taubes Differential Geometry: Packages, Metrics, Connections, and Curvature

Differential geometry is the branch of advanced mathematics that probably has more quality textbooks than any other. It has some true classics that everyone agrees should at least be consulted. It seems that lately everyone and their cousin are trying to write The Great American Textbook of Differential Geometry. It’s really not hard to see why: the topic of differential […]