Exercise program for beginners to lose weight

Losing weight can be a daunting task. Where do you start? Basically, you should burn more calories in a day than you consume. Therefore, a good diet is important, combined with a proper exercise program. I’ll walk you through the things to consider when starting a beginner exercise program for weight loss and explain the different types of exercises you […]

Isometrics: serious muscle training without weights

Isometrics – A super fast way to increase muscle size and strength without using weights. Isometry is perhaps the least used and least valued exercise method. It is perhaps the best strength training method to be used in rehabilitation and can produce increases in strength and size where traditional weight-bearing exercise regimens have failed. The isometric contraction, usually called ISOMETRIC, […]

Top 15 Weight Loss Myths

There are many common weight loss myths that people live by when it comes to their health. Sometimes it is difficult to separate the myths and reality of weight loss from the truth. Many ring true while others are just ridiculous. I once read somewhere that if you drink water at night you will gain weight or that if you […]

Numb feet during elliptical exercise

The main benefit of elliptical training is that you can exercise with minimal impact on your knees and joints. During the entire workout, you will not have to lift your feet off a surface and lower them back down. But that’s where some people have trouble with elliptical workouts. Keeping constant pressure on your feet for longer periods of time […]

My pros and cons of Coffee Mate Creamer

Have you ever thought about the ingredients in the coffee mate cream that you use? There are definitely pros and cons to this product. I guess it depends on the amount of coffee you consume in a day and if you are one of those people who care about everything that goes through your body. Thankfully I’m not one of […]

Benefits of drinking coffee at night

Do you love to drink coffee? Doing so will delight you more when you learn what it can do for you and your health. It’s no secret that a good cup of coffee can instantly perk you up in the morning and put you in a good mood all day. But did you know that it can also have great […]

How to make a table: exercise with 7 tables

Plank exercise it is a safe, challenging and effective method of basic conditioning. Plank variations are used in many fitness disciplines including Boot Camp, Yoga, Pilates, Barre, CrossFit regimens, and many more. The benefits of table exercise they are numerous. They not only strengthen the abs, but also the entire core and many other muscle groups in the upper and […]

The gluten-free bread diet

Many people are obese or overweight around the world and especially in the United States, where thousands of people are obese due to poor eating habits and, of course, an unhealthy lifestyle. While some people who call themselves diet experts but really only know a thing or two about diet and healthy lifestyle (yes, there are many such people) say […]