The simple power of small increments

Before earning a degree in nutrition, she had a degree in exercise physiology and worked as a physical trainer. One of my clients was 83 years old and needed core strength. In addition to a variety of basic exercises, I put her on the plank. Yes, the iron. She could hold a board for only 10 seconds. No problem, I […]

Fast muscle pump without weights

If lifting weights or going to the gym isn’t your thing, you can still build a strong physique. The following weightless routine pumps your muscles well and no equipment is necessary. Complete 10 repetitions of each maneuver or if you feel strong do more than 15 to 20. Do the training daily if you do not do any weight training […]

Feel stronger when walking

I feel stronger when I go for a walk. I know that when I walk I feel much healthier. Walking not only helps me get in shape, it also helps me clear my mind. After my mother died, I can honestly say that I barely moved in for a year. The second year I tried to move more, but my […]

Weight loss is a pain in the ass!

From what I learned, there is a lot to “weight loss”. First is 80% Diet and 20% Exercise, which I thought was full of junk from the beginning because I imagine that if you get your body moving constantly, you won’t have to worry about the food you are eating. WRONG! I’m a foodie, so I figured my training plan […]

Eat immediately after lifting weights

Many gym newbies think that just watching themselves perform six mediocre bicep curls in the mirror will make them bigger and stronger. These are the people who scratch their heads in amazement because they show no progress after starting their lifting program. I’m here to tell you that lifting weights alone won’t work for you. If you are one of […]

Tear without weights – Tacfit Commando Workout

The general consensus is that you simply cannot burn weight without weights. Most people believe that bodyweight-only workouts will not be intense enough to cause significant microtrauma to muscle tissue. For this reason, it would theoretically make sense for this assumption to be true. The fact, however, is that any workout can cause damage to muscle tissue and thus lead […]

Fasting your way to gut health

This article addresses something that is crucial to good health, but that many people still seem to be unaware of. That is daily fasting. Fasting is simply going for a while without eating. It is not a complex thing, but if you want to take it seriously (and by that I mean fasting for an extended period of time), are […]