Why Early-Stage Startups Should Hire a Lawyer

Many start-ups believe that they do not need a lawyer to help them with their business. In the early stages, this may be true. However, as time passes and your company grows, you will find yourself in situations where it is necessary to hire a business lawyer and you will begin to understand all the benefits of hiring a lawyer […]

Be careful what you say about your product’s features and benefits – don’t get caught by the feds

In 2009, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) revised its guides governing endorsements and testimonials for merchants. The timing of the revision is noteworthy: the previous guidelines date back to 1980, before anyone even heard of the Internet, let alone Facebook. Your online marketing might have the best intentions, but the feds could flag any overselling efforts. Why the FTC update […]

Stop bothering us!

If there is one thing that can be frustrating at times with cabin and chalet rentals, it would be insect activity. I often get asked as part of the first 3-4 questions, “how are the bugs?” To tell the truth, the location, weather conditions, time of year, and environmental conditions all play an important role in the activity of insects […]

Carnival Paradise Grand Cayman/Cozumel Review

There were 4 days at sea along with two days in port; making stops in Grand Cayman and Cozumel, Mexico. Before booking the trip, I checked the reviews on Cruise Critic. Of the 442 evaluations that this boat has, 75% have been positive. Here are some highlights from my experience on the boat. Food: The food was plentiful (as expected) […]

Is legal marijuana bigger than the Internet of Things?

The greatest innovation in history – Nothing on Earth today (and I mean nothing at all), not smartphones, cars, aerospace, real estate, gold, oil, software, biotech, nothing… is growing so much or as fast as the market for legal marijuana. Consider this: By 2020, the legal marijuana market will exceed $22.8 billion (not millions, but billion with a B). Between […]

Find a lawyer you can afford

Navigating the complicated and confusing world of lawyers and courts can be confusing, scary, and can cost you a lot of money in legal fees and lost settlements. So, educate yourself, get some advice, and don’t be afraid to talk to a few different law firms to see which one best suits your individual needs. Get a referral from a […]

Learn to type with typing games

For children, the ability to use the computer is becoming essential nowadays, so learning to type is a must for them. But most of the kids get bored with any repetitive task and give up or complain and even want to stop, parents or teachers always feel that nothing bothers them more than when kids stare at the keyboard and […]

Sexual Harassment Prevention in California

“Sleep with me if you want to keep your job.” Sound good to you? And if you have been offered as such by your superiors? In these modern times, it’s hard to believe that sexual harassment in the workplace still exists. Unfortunately, it’s still happening. Whether you are in a small or large organization, there is always a tendency to […]