Take time to get your life in order

When you think of clutter, do you think of things or disorganization in your house? That is certainly a definition of clutter, but clutter is much more than that. Clutter can be unfinished projects hanging over your head or tolerances you put up with in life. Clutter is unhealthy relationships, bad habits, negative thoughts, and destructive emotional states. Basically, clutter […]

Is hard water hard on your skin?

It can be extremely annoying when dry skin just doesn’t seem to want to go away. Even more annoying is when you can’t figure out why. Your skin seems to be unable to retain moisture, even with the amount of pampering you give it. You wash carefully, put on a lot of moisturizer, and it still feels tight, looks flaky, […]

Can probiotics kill parasites?

Until the middle of the last century, around the 1950s, if you complained to your doctor about being tired all the time, he would usually prescribe an old-fashioned dewormer. Parasites still exist, but it is very difficult to detect exactly what symptoms they are causing. so modern medicine tends to ignore them now. Parasite testing procedures used today can only […]

5 minute summary of the Paris Climate Agreement

For several decades, scientists, activists, politicians, and educators have been warning about the dangers caused by global warming. Until recently, this issue was not taken seriously and was beyond most people’s realm of concern. However, as reports of rising sea levels, rapid degradation of air quality, and an exponential increase in natural disasters mount, the world is finally taking notice. […]

Teaching children to play the drums

It’s a noisy hobby, but one that can be very enjoyable and rewarding for a child. It’s a great way to encourage self-expression, creativity, and an appreciation of all music. It can be a big investment, or as simple as a set of drumsticks and a practice drum pad. If you’re thinking of giving kids drum lessons, consider these points […]