Weight loss: it’s the little things that count

Once you start removing those jerry cans one by one and drive down the highway until your fuel tank starts to lighten, you’ll rev up and be one happy little car. Here are some tips to lighten your load gradually, and with a little patience you’ll have a brighter, lighter future. • Get checked out at the hospital if you […]

Cats and cat trees for seniors

As a child, I participated in the Girl Scouts of America civic group. The mother of one of my friends was our troop leader and she had a soft spot for older people. Our monthly civic hours (required to maintain our badge) were often spent reading stories to people in nursing homes and visiting others in need who chose to […]

Bluey – oldest recorded Australian Cattle Dog

The oldest dog on record was an Australian Cattle Dog named Bluey. Bluey lived almost 30 years. That figure is in human years. Dogs mature faster than humans. According to dog age experts, a year-old dog is actually around 15 years old. in human equivalent years. The average life expectancy of The Australian Cattle Shepherd is between 12 and 15 […]

Bird Toys: Nothing Made With Feathers, Please

The selection of bird toys on the market is very wide. Unlike dogs who love to chew on toys, birds entertain themselves with ladders, swings, and objects that swing on strings. Birds love to play with things that move. In a bird’s natural habitat, they are surrounded by moving objects. On a tree, the leaves move with every taste of […]

Earn money having fun with your dog

Can you train a dog to find money? Yes you can. But that would prove useless under normal circumstances. Most of the money found would be owned by others. Unless, of course, you were looking for buried treasure or relics. Remember that a dog can be trained to sniff out anything from drugs to weapons. For our article I have […]

Taking care of your Persian cat’s coat in winter

Being a pet owner comes with great responsibility, and that takes on new levels of self when the pet of your choice requires a lot of attention. When it comes to felines, there may not be another breed that requires more time and pampering than the Persian cat. They are beautiful animals, but their coat needs constant attention to keep […]

The Yorkshire Terrier is loyal

The Yorkie puppy, or Yorkshire Terrier puppy, is a breed of toy dog ​​that has long hair and is very playful in nature, while also sporting a blue and tan colored coat. In fact, when you buy a Yorkie puppy for the first time, you will be surprised at how small it is and also how light it weighs. Yorkshire […]