Help Your Pet Heal Faster With Emu Oil

Are you planning to spay or neuter your pet in the near future? Even though digs and cats have remarkable healing abilities every time they undergo surgery, wouldn’t you like to help your furry child’s health with this surgery faster? Emu oil is your answer! Emu oil is derived from the Australian bird, the emu, a cousin of the ostrich. […]

Pros and cons of using a dog park

A dog run or exercise pen is six or eight hinged panels that form a closed ring that you can put your dog or other types of pets in for semi-supervised time, either indoors or outdoors. Dog parks come in different sizes and are constructed of steel wire, similar to wire dog crates, plastic, or a newer emerging variety that […]

Why do ferrets steal things?

The word ferret has its origin in Latin and is translated as pilferer. With that bit of knowledge, it should come as no surprise that ferrets like to steal things and hoard them. My ferrets take everything they can drag. I’ve seen my little one pound girl try to take the sterilized dog bone; the bone weighs more than it […]

How safe is your flea and tick killer?

Laboratory studies of ingredients in seven popular flea and tick control products reveal adverse health effects in all animals tested. The effects of these well-known and aggressively marketed products range from seizures, body tremors, and shortness of breath to thyroid cancer, brain damage, and liver and lung tumors. However, TV commercials with veterinarians that seem trustworthy only show the happy […]

Does Sanus-Biotex work for degenerative myelopathy?

So… Does Sanus Biotex really work? If you’re reading this, it’s probably a question you’ve been asking yourself over and over again, just like I did in late November 2010. As I mentioned earlier, I really felt the need and wanted to tell people about the story. (from Tiger). It amazes me that such a small amount of powder mixed […]

The pros and cons of hiring dog trainers

Whether for reasons like learning agility training, whether for fun or competition, or simply to help an out-of-control dog learn how to better behave or execute simple commands, more pet owners are considering hiring a professional dog trainer. instead of trying to train him. their own dogs. Here are some pros and cons to consider before hiring a professional dog […]