7 tips for better sleep

Sleep can be a touchy subject, especially if lack of sleep has you cranky and exhausted. There are several factors that can interfere with a good night’s sleep, and while you may not be able to control all the factors that disrupt your sleep, you can adopt habits that promote better sleep. Get started with these simple tips: 1) Set […]

Do middle schools result in higher achievement than high schools?

Question: Do middle schools result in higher achievement than high schools? This question addresses the academic outcomes of students in high schools that are organized similarly to large comprehensive high schools with divisions into departments, 40-50 minute periods, subject teachers, and competitive sports, compared to middle schools. that use various degrees of the five commonly endorsed practices considered essential to […]

Baby gifts: for that loving feeling

Holding that cute dripping ball of joy is ecstasy beyond compare. The next best thing is the planning that goes into buying a gift for the darling baby. If the gift is for a home blessed with a previous child, then the challenge of finding a unique gift is that much more demanding. They will already be counting on the […]

It’s all about discipline!

One of my favorite musical instruments is the bagpipe. Many years ago, on a beautiful, bright sunny day, my family and I listened to a magnificent version of Amazing Grace played by a piper on the shore as our family sailed from Halifax, Nova Scotia. We continued to listen to Amazing Grace as it drifted more than 3 miles offshore. […]

Deep Messages For Him

Deep Messages Deep messages are very mysterious and meaningful. One of the best ways to make someone feel better is to read the words of a famous person. For example, “love is the wings of the spirit, and truth is the pearl of great price.” If you want to make your loved one happy, you should send them a deep […]