Types of digital marketing services

Digital marketing makes use of digital technologies to promote a brand and convert its leads into customers. It makes use of the internet as a means of promotion along with mobile phones, television and the internet. It has now become an important part of every marketing strategy as modern users want businesses to have a strong and effective online presence. […]

Top 3 Reasons You Feel Worse After Doing EFT

Have you ever done some EFT and felt even worse? I’ve been there. I’ve been tapping, getting some results and then bam… I feel terrible. Thank you very much EFT! Weren’t you supposed to make me feel better about my situation and circumstance? Why did this happened? The obvious answer is that with EFT you tend to focus on the […]

To live in North Korea, or not to live

8-14-2014 To live in North Korea or not to live? It’s really hard for a typical Westerner, or Easterner for that matter, to get into the head of a North Korean citizen. What do they think day after day, while poverty stares them in the face? What goes through your mind while you watch your only television channel or read […]

Top 7 iOS App Development Trends for 2018

Over the years, iOS app development has changed significantly. It is exciting to see the latest trends in this area. We have seen some of the biggest updates in iOS 11 and we brought a lot of features. With Apple bringing such great updates, iOS trends are sure to become more relevant. Let’s review the upcoming trends in iOS app […]

Alphabet/Google turn AI-centric to secure foothold and dominate digital user experience

High-tech corporations have invested heavily in technologies that produce large amounts of revenue, and with technological advances ever faster, these corporations must invest even more to protect their rich revenue streams. A good example of a company moving further and further into the future is Alphabet, the parent company of Google. Search and advertising are the cornerstones of Google’s revenue, […]

Death is also a gift: the grace of hospice

“I slept and dreamed that life was joy. I woke up and saw that life was service. I acted and lo! Service was joy.” -Rabindranath Tagore A thousand years before the Common Era, there were healing sanctuaries in Greece, Egypt, and Rome, sometimes attached to temples, to tend to the dying. The modern hospice movement developed in the 1950s in […]

iPhone app pricing and revenue models

Pricing an iPhone app can be a very strategic process. This article reviews the price points and revenue models commonly used for iPhone apps. $0.99 – $1.99 “Impulse” pricing model About half of the iPhone apps in the Top 100 cost $0.99 and there is a direct reason for this. It’s because this is the price at which users are […]

32-inch LCD TV: Top 5

With the exception of the new 3D television technology, a liquid crystal display television is the cream of the crop of entertainment viewing pleasure. From the ultra-thin bezel to the bright picture, an LCD TV is technology at its best. They are built around two thin sheets of glass. Sandwiched between these layers is a liquid crystal solution. This solution […]