Tips on how to stream video games

Unlike before, when you only had to play video games in the comfort of your home for your enjoyment, now you can stream videos online and not only interact with other game lovers, but also earn some money. To help you, here are some tips on how to do it: Have the necessary supplies In order for the videos to […]

Macbook Vs Macbook Pro – Which Laptop Is Best For You?

Apple’s Macbook has earned a reputation for making a laptop that works really well. The Macbook Pro is the next generation with the same features of the standard Mac plus advanced processing and graphics capabilities. Is the pro version necessary? Is it worth the extra money? Read on to discover the differences between Macbook vs. Macbook Pro. When comparing the […]

Doing the math on “net neutrality”

I will try to keep this simple to avoid getting confused. There was a time when men were men and they signed information exchange agreements in bars over a beer, writing the terms and conditions on a napkin over a handshake. Returning down through UUnet and PSINet and the old MCI, etc. & etc., these grandfathered arrangements continue to be […]

Top 5 Android Apps for Graphic Designers

For designers from all walks of life, mobile phones and even tablets are becoming useful and personal tools to excel in their field of creativity. Most phones, whether low-budget or high-end, run on Android as it is the most popular mobile platform in the world. Android apps basically make smartphones and tablets cool tools to do whatever the user wants. […]

Spotify Vs Apple Music

Spotify has been an amazing app for me for years. Before downloading Spotify, you used to have to download each song file that you wanted to listen to individually. That was several years ago when iTunes was still relevant to me. Now I love the feeling of having all my high-quality songs in one area of ​​the cloud that I […]

New Apple Products: Get Ready for Red

Apple wants you to see “red” and hopefully you buy one too. The tech giant is launching a new red phone in hopes of capitalizing on a vibrant color scheme that could appeal to its huge consumer base. The red phones are available on the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus models. They feature a crimson aluminum finish. The phones […]

Cufflinks for boys

If you are attending a wedding or other formal event, you need to make sure you look your best. Traditional classics are a guaranteed way to make sure you make a great impression. If you are going to attend a wedding with your children and they also need to dress well, there are some accessories that will help you. Cufflinks […]