
15 Pinterest Tips for More Productive Pins

Pinterest, a very prominent social networking site, is now right behind Twitter in popularity and is growing rapidly. Pinterest generates more referral traffic than Twitter and LinkedIn combined. Obviously, this popular social site could do a lot for your business and online presence, but like all tools, it needs to be used correctly.

The basic idea of ​​Pinterest is to start boards where you pin images along with a text description of what you’re pinning. Some of the most popular types of pins are home, arts and crafts, style, fashion, and food. Food is one of the fastest growing popular categories.

Learning to post more efficiently will help increase your visibility, traffic, and sales.

1. Anchor Regularly – Set an anchoring schedule and stick to it. Be sure to set at different times for optimal results. Try to nail 20 or more times during the day, if possible. It is better to fix consistently throughout the week rather than to fix in bulk in spurts.

2. Colors get results: Reds and oranges have been shown to get more results than blues. You also want to use multiple colors in your images instead of pins with one main color.

3. Available tools: There are many tools to help you fix more effectively. Pinreach will help you determine how well you’re doing and can give you your Pinterest “score.” Piqora is a great tool for sellers. You can use it to promote and track the results of your marketing efforts. There are many more available to help you perfect your pinning campaign.

4. Description Keywords – Make sure you use proper keywords in your pin description. This will help people find your pins more easily, thereby attracting more followers and traffic.

5. Background – Pins with a less “empty” background will receive more likes and repins than pins that have a small main image with a lot of background. Make sure your pins are full with less than 10% of the pin as empty background. You could receive 2-4 times more repins.

6. Connect with Facebook and Twitter: Always connect with your other social media accounts. This will increase your chances of followers, likes, repins, etc.

7. Board Names – Make sure to create captivating board names and also use relevant keywords. Board names are similar to headlines and need to grab people’s attention to produce results. Take note of the board titles that grab your attention and why.

8. Don’t just “repin” – make sure you mix original pins with repins. Repinning is fine, but add some unique pins of your own as well.

9. Write a Smart Description – When writing your description, make sure you add the relevant keywords along with concise wording and proper grammar. Remember the short and simple rule. This will increase the chances of your pin appearing in searches.

10. Pin Videos: Take advantage of the video section that Pinterest offers. There are many more images than video pins so you can capture your niche in the video pinning community.

11. Blog Posts – When posting to your blog, be sure to use images so you can pin the post and image to your boards. Don’t pin an entire post, but a short teaser with a link will work great. Only post on appropriate boards and don’t go overboard with self-promotion.

12. Study your pin stats: Pinterest provides stats on your pins, so be sure to use them to your advantage. Find out which ones work and which ones don’t and learn from them. Also note the engagement initiated by your pins.

13. Cover Images – Choose the cover images for your dashboards wisely. When I search for boards, the cover image is what draws me to the board. You can review all your pins to see which one fits the best in the allotted space and which ones have the most strength. As always, check out other boards to see which cover images get the most response from you.

14. Research Popular Pins – Take some time to look at the most popular pins. Study them to see what sets them apart from other pins. Use this information for your own pins for increased productivity.

15. Group Boards – One of the best features of Pinterest is group boards. You can ask the owners of these boards to add it and then you can pin them to those boards. Be sure to follow the board owner’s rules and guidelines. Effectively pinning to group boards can substantially increase your following.

Pinterest is a fun social site that can bring you more visitors and grow your business. But, as with all marketing mediums, you must take the time to use it correctly in order to enjoy the full benefit of its potential power.

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