Plan your end of the year fundraising call

Here we are again, the end of the year stretch! I’m sure you’ve already started thinking about your year-end plan, but have you started implementing it? It is autumn and now is the time to stop thinking and start doing. Here are some well-known, but always helpful tips to help you think about implementing. Your organization needs it and they […]

An Obituary: The Death of Modern Western Pop Music

It is with deep regret that I wish to inform you all of the untimely (but blatantly obvious) death of modern Western pop music. Sadly, ‘Pop’, as he was affectionately called, was ill for some time, and no one seemed to notice when he finally swelled up. ‘Pop music’ was famous for bringing us many great hits throughout the decades. […]

Key facts and processing time of the Australian PR visa

The reason behind this is Australia’s quality lifestyle, high standards of living, better income, and the opportunity to access better infrastructure for life and education. Immigrants who aspire to achieve the highest quality education, greater job opportunities and a better life with permanent resettlement apply for the PR Australia visa. Although Australia is a favorite destination for immigrants, complex rules […]

How to make your child sleep through the night

We often hear parents wondering how to get their child to sleep through the night. It is a common challenge for parents. As for newborns, they tend to wake up every few hours at night looking to fill their little stomach. As the child grows, it is not dependent on night feeding. This is the stage when most parents think […]

Taekwondo Forms: ATA, ITF, WTF

Taekwondo forms A “form” in Taekwondo is a series of choreographed movements, which can be performed with or without a weapon, for the purpose of interval cardiovascular training and the development of proper physical and mental technique. They are more akin to exercise and conditioning than combat, while also showing the artistic possibilities of Taekwondo. In competitions, Taekwondo forms are […]

Acupuncture: what is it and what are its benefits

What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of alternative medicine in Chinese history. The philosophy of acupuncture is based on the “Taoist Tradition” where these people meditate and observe the flow of positive energy in and out of the body. Acupuncture has evolved over the years, but the concept and philosophy remain the same. Acupuncture involves the […]