
5 tips for speaking extemporaneously

Speaking off the cuff may sound difficult and scary, but it’s easier than you think. Also known as “off the cuff” or “off the cuff” speaking, this is a skill you already use without realizing it! If you’ve ever been interviewed for a job, gone on a date, or asked for your opinion in a meeting, you’ve spoken extemporaneously. How can you improve your confidence and your ability to speak on the go? Try the following 5 tips:

#1: Don’t panic

It is true that the number one fear of humans is speaking in public, yes, above spiders and even death. Hopefully, you’ll never find yourself on a stage full of poisonous spiders, but if you feel like you are every time someone asks you a question, then you might benefit from a little visualization and breathing.

If you get caught out of nowhere, take a deep breath and remind yourself that your opinion has to matter, or you wouldn’t be there. Visualize yourself as a calm and eloquent person, then begin to speak.

If you’re heading into a situation where you know you’ll have to talk at some point, then do your homework. What themes will come up? What do you already know? What questions can you ask instead? Being prepared goes a long way in building trust.

Before a job interview, date, or social event, take time for a little pep talk. Get there early and head to the bathroom. Do a hair, teeth, and clothing check. Then take a deep breath, look in the mirror, and say something like, “You got it!” Stand up straight, square your shoulders and smile. You have this.

#2: Listen

It seems counterintuitive, but listening is your best conversational and interviewing skill. Listen first, think second, speak last. If you are busy formulating what to say next while the other person is talking, you will often miss the point of the question or something important that the other person has brought up. Many embarrassing and unfortunate misunderstandings arise from answering a question that was not asked.

If the question isn’t clear or you’re not sure what they want you to say, ask! You can reinforce the question by saying something like “If I understand what you’re asking, do you mean…” or just ask a few clarifying questions to make sure you’re answering the right thing.

Once you know what the other person is asking, answer ONLY that question. You may or may not need to elaborate, but let that person guide you. This will prevent you from babbling or sharing too much.

#3: Change the game

It happens sometimes: you are asked to speak on a topic you know nothing about. Instead of letting everyone know you’re on the spot, rephrase the question or topic into something you do know. It’s not as hard as it looks. There is always an element of something you do know in any situation or question. When the spotlight is on you, speak only about what you have experience with. Tell a story or joke that relates to the topic, no matter how vaguely (but don’t go totally nonsensical, or your audience will think you weren’t listening). Then ask a fill-in-the-blank question and listen again.

#4: Use the Rule of Three

It works in comedy, it works in drama, it can work for you. Even if you have little time to collect your thoughts before speaking, use the rule of three. Three dots, three elements, three bullets: whatever form it takes, never go above the magical, golden number of three. More, and you will find yourself losing your place.

Use your fingers to help you remember which three points you want to cover. Make a mental note of which finger represents which dot, then use them as 1-2-3 or ABCs as you talk about each topic like a pro.

#5: Practice!

Like riding a bike or learning to tie your shoes, talking off the cuff on any subject will seem difficult at first, but you’ll find that the more you do it, the easier it becomes. There are many places and ways you can practice your impromptu speaking skills in a supportive environment. Some suggestions:

  • Visit a Toastmasters club for the best tips, tricks, and listening training (no, it’s not just about giving speeches). The good thing about this organization is that you get immediate feedback.
  • Volunteer to answer questions or offer suggestions at your next business meeting
  • Offer to do the prayers or announcements at your religious organization
  • Join an improv class, book club, or charity
  • Play social games like Balderdash or Trivial Pursuit with friends and family.
  • Small talk with your co-workers

These 5 points will take you from terrified to talkative, but only if you use them. Remember, your voice matters, otherwise you wouldn’t have been asked to speak in the first place.

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