
Are you afraid of homeschool high school?

Very often, parents fear high school homeschooling because of the complexity of the subjects. I was one of those parents who thought it was impossible.

After all, he didn’t have a bachelor’s degree or remember much of what he had learned in school. I later discovered that no specialized education or training was required under my state’s homeschool laws.

If you are afraid of homeschooling at the high school level, here are action steps you can take to determine whether or not you could be successful:


Check out several books from your local library. You will learn valuable information on the topics of setting credit hours, grade point average, creating transcripts, and evaluating high school subjects.

The Internet is also an excellent tool for conducting research. Find blogs and forums that share information on how to create accurate transcripts or grade point averages. Also look for authoritative websites, such as state and national organizations that support homeschooling.

Educating yourself will help build a foundation of courage and confidence to get you started on the right path.

seek advice

Talk to other parents who have been successful. It is not enough just to gain knowledge. It is incredibly helpful to seek advice from other families. This gives you an opportunity to compare information related to the book with what other families are doing.

Although every family is different, some of the experiences you hear or witness could be beneficial. Nothing is better than acquiring the opportunity to model an expert.

Find High School Curriculum

Their job is to locate the designated curriculum and resources for high school equivalent instruction. Checking reviews online is a great start. She started with the core subjects of math, science, history, and English. Arrange to attend curriculum fairs and browse bookstores. Ask vendors questions about their products. Also check online to compare syllabus reviews.

For example: My daughter’s English books were labeled “grade 10” on the cover and inside the introduction.

Attend workshops or training

Most likely, state or local homeschool organizations in your area will schedule high school workshops/trainings. Put the date on your calendar and plan to attend. Write any questions in advance. Connect with other parents after the training. You are not alone in your feelings of inadequacy.

develop a plan

Congratulations for taking action! Now is the time to take your action to the next level! Compile all your notes and review them.

You are on the right track. You now have the knowledge and understanding that should take away any fear of homeschooling all the way through high school. Please continue to educate yourself as you continue your journey.

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