The Basics of Playing Texas Hold’em Poker

For some time, Texas Hold’em has remained the most popular poker game of all, for beginners and experts alike. This is undoubtedly due to the ease of learning the game due to its simple rules. But the easy part ends here and the reason for its appeal to players of all levels is clear. The strategies in Texas Hold’em are […]

I have to go to the university?

So you’re nearing the end of your high school years and can’t wait for summer break. School is finally over. In fact, you’re in no hurry to go back… even if it means not signing up for the fall semester of college with your friends. Many students who are about to graduate from high school or earn a GED wonder…what’s […]

Project Management Software

It is not so difficult to find the right project management software if you are clear about your requirements. There are a variety of products, each with a specific set of features, advantages, and disadvantages. Prices also vary from one software product to another and from one manufacturer to another. Looking at the current market for project management software, one […]

Latest New Age DVD Players

A standard CD-Rom could only contain 700 MB of data. Later, CDs with more storage space were made, but they failed to attract the attention of the buyer. The additional storage space meant an increase of 50 to 60 MB, which wasn’t much considering the data requirement of the end user. Therefore, a new removable storage medium was required to […]

Why take a preventative approach to TSCM?

Too often, corporations or individuals hire a professional technical surveillance countermeasure (TSCM) or “bug sweep” provider only after they have a strong suspicion that they are the victim of eavesdropping. While it may seem like a logical approach to first verify your suspicions, the decision to delay can be an irresponsible and costly choice. Every minute an illegal attacker maintains […]

Exercise Is King – Really?

I talked to my doctor at my last visit, appropriately enough, to renew my quarterly prescriptions for my blood pressure issues, as there is a LOT of information out there telling you that this medication, that exercise, or even those holistic medications are better than anything I whether you have in your army of items to lower your blood pressure, […]

Do It Yourself Yellow Letter Marketing

Yellow Letter Marketing Definition Yellow lettering is a widely heralded marketing technique that boasts a 10-15% response rate. The premise is to handwrite a letter in red ink on yellow paper offering to buy or sell a product or service. Since this technique uses invitation-style envelopes and live stamps, most recipients will open it and read it rather than identify […]