
Boston Terrier Dog Breed Profile

BOSTON TERRIER breed profile

Description: The Boston Terrier is a small, compact and muscular dog. It weighs between 17 and 25 pounds and measures 15 to 17 inches at the shoulder. The Boston Terrier has a short, clean coat that is seal, brindle, or black with white markings. This dog has a square head with medium-sized upright ears. The tail is naturally short and does not need to be docked. This is a very intelligent and sensitive breed and can be easily trained. Fortunately, this dog can live 15 years or more. It is also called the Boston Bull or Boston Bull Terrier.

History: Not many dogs originated in the United States, but the Boston is one of them. The Boston Terrier was much larger to begin with, weighing up to 45 pounds, and was used in pit dog fighting. It was originally developed as a cross between the English White Terrier (extinct) and the Old English Bulldog. This activity was left behind when Robert Hooper of Boston crossed the fighting dog with the friendly French Bulldog. Dog size decreased and disposition improved with more selective breeding.

Temperament: The Boston Terrier is a very gentle and friendly dog ​​that makes an excellent companion. The Boston is very affectionate and loves to participate in all family activities. He gets along well with children, but should be supervised when he is around very young children. The Boston accepts other dogs and family pets. He is an alert dog and makes a good watchdog. The Boston is an enthusiastic dog and has a good sense of humor.

Health Issues: As the Boston Terrier is a short-faced (brachycephalic) breed, respiratory issues and heat stress should always be considered. This dog will snore and may have a reverse snore, snorting fit. This condition is harmless, but sometimes alarming to the owner. The trachea is sometimes narrow, which can contribute to these problems. The Boston can also suffer from patella problems and heart disease. Skin tumors are common in this dog. Puppies often must be delivered by cesarean section due to the size of the puppy’s head.

Grooming – Because the Boston Terrier has a short coat, grooming is simple. A weekly brushing will keep the coat shiny and control shedding. Don’t bathe this dog too often. The eyes should be examined and cleaned every day as well as facial wrinkles. If the Boston has been playing outside, check the dog for ticks.

Living conditions: The Boston Terrier is a domestic and lapdog. He is an excellent companion and needs to be around the human friends he has bonded with. Although they are playful, the Boston Terrier is not boisterous on the inside. He identifies with the family and must be part of the home. He can’t live outside, in any case. As this dog is quite lively, he benefits from a daily walk to help burn off excess energy. Remember to stop walking during the hot season.

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