Foreign Investment Tax Law on Real Estate

In 1980, Congress enacted the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA), 26 USCS 1445. The law states that if a seller of real property is a “foreign person,” the buyer must be taxed equal to the 10% of gross purchase price, unless exempted by law. A “foreign person” is a nonresident alien individual, a foreign corporation not treated […]

10 ways to make money right now

My oldest son, Matthew, called me a loser the other day. He is 16 years old. He’s fine, he didn’t call me a “loser” specifically, but he was talking to a nurse in the ER about how he planned to go into politics when he grew up. He wants to be president, he said. “Hey,” I said after the nurse […]

What is Bitcoin and why is cryptocurrency so popular?

Bitcoin has been the buzzword in the financial space. In fact, Bitcoin has exploded onto the scene in recent years and many individuals and large companies are now jumping on the Bitcoin or cryptocurrency bandwagon wanting a piece of the action. People who are totally new to the cryptocurrency space constantly ask this question; “What is Bitcoin really?” Well, for […]

Things you need to know to get a job

Lots of people are unemployed in our society. Here are some tips on what you can do to overcome the unemployment problem: 1. Become a problem solver: Not everyone is a problem solver! In reality, following the 90/10 rule, only about 10 percent of men and women in the average place are responsible for 90 percent of what happens. In […]

The importance of secondary education

Education forms an important part of a person’s life, as it allows them to acquire the skills that are needed to deal with life situations. It is imperative that each person obtain the appropriate education and move from one level of study to another so that they obtain the knowledge necessary to handle life situations and job demands that arise […]

Tips for Finding Competent Florida Personal Injury Lawyers

After medical care, the next important thing personal injury victims seek is legal guidance. Legal help is really important for car or motorcycle accident victims as it helps them receive fair compensation for their damages. With financial compensation, the feeling of getting justice helps victims recover sooner. Therefore, if you or any of your family members suffer any type of […]

Integrating copyright awareness into art pedagogy in Ghana

The historical evolution of classroom teaching and learning reveals that the creation and use of art remain an integral aspect of education. During the time of prehistoric man, various forms of art were used in many ways to communicate, keep records, and pass information from generation to generation, when no written records existed and no texts were produced. The walls […]

Ghana life: the people of the slave village

The Accra highway enters the city of Kumasi from the east and the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) campus is on the left hand side, or on the south side of the road, just inside the city limits. city. Driving on the right, passengers from Accra alight from the transport on the north side of the road […]

How to make cheap travel to India a possibility

When it comes to exploring and understanding the wealth of captivating history and authenticity of varied traditions within your travel budget, no place can beat the enchanting presence of a South Asian country called India. Country India serves the presence of diversity; people belonging to the various walks of life and faith reside quietly in the various parts of this […]