evil eye in different languages

The evil eye is a popular sign in the world of folklore and the occult. Due to its popularity, many people ask “what is the evil eye?” It sounds pretty common, so some people tend to think it’s basically harmless. But there’s actually more to the concept than meets the eye, no pun intended. So what is this phenomenon exactly? […]

What is Candida Albacans?

Candida Albacans is a form of yeast found naturally in the human body. It is usually found in the flora of the mouth, skin, gastrointestinal tract (digestive system), or vagina. It is classified in the same group as mushrooms, molds, and mushrooms, and in general, a healthy immune system will prevent fungus from growing out of control. Unfortunately, if a […]

Profitați la maximum de alimente cu suplimente naturale de energie

Profitați la maximum de alimente Suplimentele naturale de energie vă pot ajuta să obțineți la maximum de la mâncare. Deși nu pot compensa alegerile alimentare nefavorabile, ele vă pot spori capacitatea de a performa la serviciu, la școală și la joacă și vă pot ajuta să vă atingeți obiectivele de fitness. Multe dintre aceste suplimente sunt derivate din plante, care […]

All about menopause: symptoms and treatment

What is menopause? Also called the climacteric, the term menopause refers to the last menstrual period. However, it is related to the period between the childbearing years, the last normal menstruation, and menstruation. At this stage of a woman’s life, which usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, there is a progressive loss of ovarian function due to […]