Lifestyle Fashion

What is Candida Albacans?

Candida Albacans is a form of yeast found naturally in the human body. It is usually found in the flora of the mouth, skin, gastrointestinal tract (digestive system), or vagina.

It is classified in the same group as mushrooms, molds, and mushrooms, and in general, a healthy immune system will prevent fungus from growing out of control.

Unfortunately, if a person has a weakened immune system, which can be affected by illness, stress, or poor diet, the fungus can grow out of control.

It is important to remember that everyone has this yeast in their digestive tract along with many other types of microbes, some of which are beneficial to our body’s health and therefore necessary, and some of which are not.

These microbes compete for space in the GI tract, and normally the “good” bacteria have the upper hand and prevent yeast infections like candida from attaching to the lining of the intestines and gut.

When yeast gains a foothold in the lining of the intestine, it can release spores into the bloodstream by piercing the lining of the intestine with tentacles. In addition to releasing spores that can then travel and infect other parts of the body, the contents of the intestine can enter the bloodstream, known as leaky gut syndrome.

Problems arise when factors such as stress, poor diet, or excessive use of drugs, alcohol, and antibiotics reduce the effectiveness of our immune systems, or help kill off the friendly bacteria in our bodies that prevent Candida Albacans from growing prolifically.

Without a doubt, one of the best ways to help restore the amount of beneficial bacteria found in the digestive system, thus reducing yeast infection, is by taking probiotic food supplements.

These are supplements that can be taken as food, drink, or in capsule form, which contain millions of beneficial bacteria. These help restore balance in the GI tract and will help the good bacteria have a better chance of controlling yeast overgrowth.

Another way to treat a Candida infection is through the use of antifungal medication, either taken topically or orally or as a suppository. Some of these are available without a prescription, so ask your pharmacist for advice.

Changing your diet can have an impact on the ability of candida to grow. Cutting down on sugar and sugar-containing foods, reducing the amount of processed foods eaten, and eliminating yeast products from the diet can help suppress candida growth.

Candida itself is not dangerous when kept in check, and can coexist with the other microbes in the GI tract quite happily without ill effects. However, the symptoms of an overgrowth can range from mild irritation to very serious complications.

Often the first symptom you’ll notice when suffering from a Candida Albacans infection is white patches that will appear in your mouth, throat, esophagus, or vagina.

It is important to ensure that at the first sign of a candida albacans outbreak that you contact a doctor for examination and confirmation of the diagnosis.

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