Teaching English in Mexico: Hermosillo, Sonora

About the city of Hermosillo: The Majestic “City of the Sun” Hermosillo is the Capital City of the State of Sonora located 2037 km from Mexico City, along federal highways 57, 45, 110, 90 and 15 from Mexico City. Hermosillo is also known as the City of Oranges due to the abundance of oranges in its territory. Called the majestic […]

write between diapers

“Nothing has a stronger influence psychologically about their environment. they lie and especially in their children than the unlived life of the father”. –CG Jung After a bad night with hardly any sleep, you are sitting in front of your computer staring at a blank screen. You wonder if you will be able to do it, finish that article, story […]

Orgasm Hypnosis – For Men and Women

A common question we get is related to orgasm hypnosis. People ask us whether or not it is possible to use hypnosis or self-hypnosis as a tool to bring yourself or your partner to orgasm. Due to this frequently asked question, we thought it would only be appropriate to create an article about it, to explain and dispel some myths […]

Spiritual meaning of fasting

For millions of people, fasting is a mandatory practice during the holy month of Ramadan, which begins this year at the beginning of August (the final dates are confirmed by sighting the moon). Ramadan is an annual spiritual event that impressively encompasses the entire Muslim family as one. But it is not only Islam that advocates fasting as a tool […]

"Excuse me, my son has WHAT?"

Hearing the words “Your child has been diagnosed with __________________” is usually not the idea of ​​great news to anyone. However, it also doesn’t have to be the worst news you’ll ever receive from your child. You may be feeling any combination of emotions, including: guilt, sadness, anger, depression, despair, hopelessness, resentment, loneliness, shock, denial, or having other emotions similar […]

Mom Etiquette: 10 Things Every Mom Should Know

I often find myself thinking, “they (ie other moms) should know better than that,” or “isn’t that a little rude?”, or “I can’t believe they think that’s cool.” Maybe since I’m older, I was raised when there were certain social graces that everyone knew how to follow. But now, many moms behave in ways that I can’t always tolerate. Here […]

Disney discounts and why they matter

When you visit Walt Disney World you forget everything back home. you start to Realize that there is more to life than just work! Many Americans forget about family importance and spending quality time together, remembering that life does not last forever. At Walt Disney World you can forget about all that and relive life as a kid! When Walt […]

Female sexuality over the years

Throughout the years, normal female sexuality has walked through fields of thorns and excruciating pain inflicted by culture and ignorance. Elite medical and psychiatric professionals were the vanguard of bestial cruelty. It was a widespread medical contempt for very normal female sexuality that was also found in public life and literary works. In the 19th century, female masturbation and nymphomania […]

Parenting in the 21st century

The liberal standard of today’s society with its sea change in values, attitudes and changing lifestyles has left both parents and children reeling in a sea of ​​uncertainty. The constant exposure to consumerism, violence, promiscuity, sexual preferences and pedophilia through the audiovisual media has a confusing effect on impressionable minds. The erosion of authority, broken families, broken marriages, and unsafe […]

Total Cleanse Recipe – Juices

Body cleansing is one of the most essential things you can do regularly if you want to maintain optimal health and extend your life for many years. There are several methods to achieve this goal, some of the most common methods are making your own juice. The simple recipes listed present a good idea to start with when a person […]