7 Signs That Your Sugar Daddy Is Controlling

When money is involved, anything has the nasty potential to become more like a business. Your sugar daddy is used to business relationships and is used to working in an environment where money gives people the right to expect more from the people they deal with. He is used to being the boss. Whatever your relationship, even if you’re submissive […]

30 uses of a laminator at home

Never thought you would have a use for a laminator at home? Think again. There are hundreds of uses for these machines, which will leave you wondering how you ever managed without one. From gifts to practical household applications, laminating items makes them more durable, waterproof, and attractive. Laminate can intensify colors and lend a smarter look to any project. […]

Getting a toddler to stop using a pacifier

Babies need their pacifiers. These simple elements allow them to suck, one of the most intrinsic and basic human needs. Pacifiers are anatomically created to be used during the first two years of a child’s life. As a toddler gets older, parents start to take away the pacifier. Even if the pacifier is removed, children become accustomed to thumb sucking, […]

Lead Magnets: Why serving leftovers is a bad move

Evoke visions of your favorite restaurant. Now, imagine you’ve never eaten there before. But one day, you walk past a restaurant you’re no longer familiar with, and you notice a couple of people out front. They’re giving away free samples to anyone who wants one. You walk around, they offer you your favorite food (in a small portion) and you […]

Some common signs of dyslexia

While dyslexia is commonly associated with learning difficulties, it can deal with much more than having trouble reading and writing. Dyslexia usually becomes noticeable when your child starts school and begins to learn to read and write, but there are other factors/symptoms you can be aware of if you are concerned that you or your child may be dyslexic. Dyslexia […]

Camp Comfortably With Used Diesel RVs

Feeling at home while venturing into picturesque locations can be a bit tricky. With so many options to consider, one can easily become confused in selecting the right option that will offer maximum comfort and safety while ensuring a memorable camping experience. Recreational vehicles can present a great opportunity to overcome all complications and make your plans amazing. However, it […]

Pond Safety Article

Ponds have been given a bad press in the media lately and, in my opinion, quite unfairly. Moving or still water, the pool or pond holds a fascination for children of all ages. Children are drawn to wildlife, cool water or pretty sounds or waves, they love water and it’s no wonder children drown in ponds across the country. If […]