The basement is leaking

I am a proud, self-proclaimed nomad, always in search of fresh pastures. I can pack the essentials and be on the road in less than five minutes. A relative once said that it’s easy for me to be a nomad because I don’t really have anything. But in my eyes, I possess everything that any modern nomad could need. A […]

Are you eager to tackle potty training?

Today, from the number of books available, it seems that mothers dread the idea of ​​potty training. You may have heard stories from your friends, of disasters all over the house, damaged new carpets, and embarrassing moments at friends’ houses or in public places. Yes, some accidents are unavoidable in the first few days, but with a little advance planning […]

Mommy’s dilemma

Working mother or stay-at-home mother? When I was a working mom, all I could think about was spending more time with my son and now that I’m a stay at home mom, I think how horrible it is to be financially dependent. The devil of the mind will always look for greener pastures in the things he does not have. […]

Teen Sex

14-year-old girl: “Sex for me is like dancing. I love dancing with different men.” Doctor: “Do you even feel anything when you dance with these men”? 14-year-old girl: “Sometimes. I have a lot of feelings. They last a while and then they go away.” Doctor: “Do these men even have feelings for you?” 14-year-old girl: “Sometimes, for a minute.” Doctor: […]

Planning the family reunion step by step

As a wise proverb says: “There is a time for everything under the sun. A time to run, a time to laugh, a time to jump.” With that feeling, it is time to strengthen the ties of family union. And what better way to start than planning your next family reunion. Family reunion events have turned into big annual family […]

Alpha brain waves: how to relax deeply

Alpha brain waves can be a bit tricky to understand if you’re not completely sure what they are. In short, they are electromagnetic oscillations that arise from a synchronous and coherent activity in the human brain. Yes, you don’t have to worry about meeting the definition on your test. What we are discussing here is the unique way that these […]