Karma: what you better know for a better life

He has no conscience. You don’t have favourites. No king, queen, pop star, rock star, movie star, sports star, celebrity, president, prince, princess, pauper, potentate, pope, minister, doctor, lawyer, educator, judge, janitor, man, woman , child, human, animal, bird, fish, insect or plant escapes him. Makes all brand trailer. He makes everyone bend to his will. He makes everything consistent. […]

Business and Technology – Are Rural Businesses Ready for Location-Based Applications?

I have been reading and hearing a lot about location based apps namely Foursquare and Gowalla. I was even recently asked on Twitter which one I thought was going to be the winner for their user base. Foursquare seems to target more locations within a city, where Gowalla is targeting a larger market, the world with its “Passport” concept for […]

How to treat bed bug bites

Scientists have revealed the preliminary description of the bed bug sialoma: proteins in saliva that allow bed bugs to feed on humans without fatal retaliation. Bed bugs belong to a group of parasitic insects that feed on blood. Their success in feeding without discomfort depends in part on the proteins in their saliva. These substances cause the host’s blood vessels […]