
Change: 5 inevitable steps to achieve it

Shifting to a different level, shifting to a new life, and shifting for better achievements are the core of any rational being’s thinking. As we all know, the change can be negative or positive, it all depends on you. Positive changes can only happen when we help life with the right influences. But negative, if we neglect our responsibility to take charge of our lives.

When we don’t worry about making a change, the change itself continues to take its toll on us because change is constant. It happens negatively or positively, whether you like it or not. When you do nothing worthwhile in your life, you remain at the mercy of circumstances or, at best, you become a created circumstance, which is not what we would normally want.

There are three factors of change to consider before exploring the inevitable steps to do so:

i) Change is constant: it continues to occur in all facets of life, whether we like it or not.
ii) Change is inevitable: changes in life cannot be avoided. You must keep growing; environments keep changing and life changes. Have you ever considered stop growing your hair, nails and age? You can’t, they must keep changing.
iii) Change is a measure: it measures to show whether it is progressing, stagnating or growing. It even measures to show if you are safe or not.

“Yes, you can” is a popular phrase, but correct at that. You have to believe that you can make positive changes happen in your life before you start contemplating the next steps, because your change is inevitable, your transformation is achievable, and your bright future is achievable.

Step 1 inevitable to change – DECISION

You can force a horse to go to the river, but you cannot force it to drink water. You can hear about change and how beautiful it can make life look, but if you don’t decide to achieve it or decide to take concrete action, then it will remain a pipe dream. Your decision to seek change is the initial process for change. The change must occur first in your mind before you begin to experience it. Your mind is the hall of tomorrow’s circumstances and everything starts from there.

The desire for change will propel you toward the ingredients you need to gather to achieve change. Your wish is the only vehicle that will lead you towards change, but if you do not have a wish or an image in your mind about your change, then helping you can become very difficult, if not impossible.


Information is acquiring knowledge and seeking understanding. Information is the basic key to reform. It is your responsibility to seek information that helps and contributes to your desire for change. There are several places to get information: the Internet, seminars, books, the Bible, coaching courses, and others. This acquisition of information is a self-help effort that should be taken seriously.

People are often lazy to search for information relevant to their desire for change or completely ignorant of what to do. Find information that helps you make positive changes. The great heights that men have reached were achieved by standing on the shoulders of larger men to see further. It is better to learn by example than by experience.
Let your acquisition of information translate into wisdom. Wisdom is acquiring understanding and applying it.

Step 3 – ACTION

People don’t act. Always learning but never acting. Overcome all fears of failure and boldly venture into what you think you can achieve. Failing an attempt does not make it a failure; it means you can try again and do better. Get out on the water and have no fear, it could be solid ground in disguise. Peter was scared when Jesus asked him to walk on the water and come and he began to sink (Matthew 14: 28-30). Discover your fear and discover your fame, what you fear is your fame. And remember; only those who take risks are creators of progress.


Be consistent with the goals before you. Goals are goals and goals are achieved with focus. Consistency and persistence are the two factors that will get you to your goal while maintaining focus. No matter how tough it is, you can get through tough times if you are determined and remain persistent.

Many are not consistent and persistent and therefore remain unchanged. They give up too early and say it’s not working. Keep up the right things you’re doing – growth is steady when efforts are right.


God is the source of true success. If you must have real success and change, then you cannot achieve it without God being involved in your quest. Having recognized all the important steps above, God is the real and true change you can experience.

God is the starting point of all true change and impact in life. When people put God aside and don’t depend on him to make changes in life, it becomes a self-limiting endeavor. Spiritual changes occur first before natural changes. Visions must be seen, dreams and thoughts must participate and it is here that God inspires us most for the true transformation of life. You must first pray and seek God, if you want real changes in life. Jesus principles still work!

Many remain the same way because staying the same is easier, they fear that seeking a change will be difficult. But the truth is that your change is inevitable, your transformation is achievable, and your bright future is achievable. All you need are the correct keys.

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