Lifestyle Fashion

Communication and relationships: 4 reasons why you will break up if you do not communicate

Communication happens all the time, even when you’re not talking. Did you know that only 7% of communication is transmitted through words? What happened to the other 93%? 38% comes from our tonality, the voice, tempo and timbre of our voice and 56% communicates through body language. So even if you’re saying, ‘I didn’t say a word!’ You could have said so much more with your actions.

Clear, open and ongoing communication is essential in any relationship. It is essential to any relationship. Let’s take a look at the possible reasons why you could break up if you don’t communicate:

1. Resentment: Without clear communication, resentment towards your partner will start to build up. They can sense that by the way they interact with each other. Are you short fusion? Do you lose patience often?

If resentment continues to fester, it will turn to anger and sooner or later make the relationship unbearable.

2. Lack of Trust: The lack of an open and honest conversation undermines trust. If you keep important secrets from yourself, it will affect your connection, whether you consciously realize it or not. Research has shown that many couples can tell if their partner has cheated on them even if they have not confessed.

The less trust you have in your partner, the more insecure and unhappy you will become in your relationship.

3. Reduced privacy: Not openly sharing and communicating about your innermost self will reduce your intimate connection. In the long run this will affect your intimacy and your sex life with your partner. Chances are high that one partner or the other will seek intimacy elsewhere.

4. Disconnect: All these points lead to more and more disconnection. Another form of disconnection is when partners are obstructing. The filibusters stop talking during the conflict and give their partner the “silent treatment.” 85% of filibusters are men, but this does not exclude women! The stone wall is the last step in sliding toward marital disaster and cements the disconnect from your partner if done over time.

If you want to save your relationship think about your communication and start talking. It does not mean that you will always speak nicely, kindly and calmly, but it is better to speak while arguing than not to speak at all.

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