
Could the Basset Hound be the right dog for you?

According to legend, George Washington became the owner of the Basset Hound shortly after the American Revolution. Perhaps, he took one look at those big sad eyes and just couldn’t resist them. You might also be charmed by Basset’s sweet and loving character.

People are often surprised that a dog with such a wide chest and short legs can move so gracefully. Don’t be fooled by its somewhat awkward and comical appearance. Trust me, this charming breed can run and play for hours when given the chance.

The adult Basset Hound weighs around sixty pounds and stands between eighteen and twenty inches tall. This member of the American Kennel Club group of dogs can come in any AKC recognized hunting dog color, but the most common is a dog with a white undercoat with brown and black patches.

Bassets require almost no maintenance. They require very little preparation. Just run a good bristle brush through his coat once or twice a week to remove dirt and loose hair.

It is no wonder that the Basset Hound has such a keen sense of smell, its ancestor is the Bloodhound, known for its tracking abilities. Like many scent hounds, the Basset can worry so much about a scent that his future commands may fall on deaf ears.

Basset Hounds are devoted and loving pets, but one trait of this breed is a certain stubbornness. New owners mistakenly think that their Basset is not smart enough to learn obedience training. Do not be fooled. If your Basset is disobeying you, just look at those sad brown eyes and you might catch a crafty glow. They are smart dogs!

The Basset can be selective about the orders it will obey. How to ignore the order to stay so he can snuggle closer to you. The Basset adores people and will do almost anything to be around them.

Since Basset Hounds can be a bit difficult to train, try to find a dog training method that works. You may also consider taking your puppy to obedience classes. This is a good idea, as it helps your dog socialize through interaction with other puppies and their owners. Test it. You will meet many new puppies and their novice owners!

Basset Hounds are the ideal apartment dog. They fit well into family life. As this breed is quite inactive indoors, you have to remind yourself that it needs to go outside. So don’t forget to exercise your Basset every day to keep him in good health.

The Basset Hound loves to eat. Combine that with your disinterest in exercise and a warning sign begins to flash. You will need to closely monitor your food intake. The added weight will put undue strain on the spine and short legs, and lameness can become a distinct possibility.

You will also need to check your ears regularly. Hanging-eared breeds like the Basset Hound can often get infections. Spinal related injuries and eye diseases can also affect this breed. Otherwise, the Basset is a relatively healthy breed.

So if you are looking for a dog with a melodic bark, let him love children and adore you. So a Basset Hound could definitely be the right dog for you and your family.

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