
Disney’s Hidden Secrets

If you are planning a trip to Disney World or Disneyland or have planned one, you are probably looking for some valuable tips to help you save time and money. You’re looking for some good hidden Disney secrets. Tips and tricks from the experts are proven to save families thousands of dollars.

These are some of the great hidden secrets of Disney. For starters, when booking your hotel, check to see if they have a free shuttle to and from the park. Parking can be very expensive to say the least and it really can be an unexpected cost that families weren’t prepared to spend. So knowing what a hotel offers in terms of transportation before you book one can really influence which hotel you choose. Another great tip is to bring your own food to the Disney World parks. Yes, Disney World allows you to bring your own food to the parks! Sorry, Disneyland will not allow you to bring food or beverages into their theme parks, unless you have a specific dietary restriction. Bringing your own food cuts costs because dining at Disney can be quite expensive. Not to mention, eating your own food can cut down on time. No waiting in those long restaurant lines. You can even eat while walking or when you are lying down for a walk.

Other great hidden secrets of Disney are souvenirs. If you plan to buy souvenirs, check if you can reserve them at the reception. This way you won’t have to carry them around the park all day. If you don’t want to reserve them, try to buy them towards the end of the day so they won’t be a hassle. However, some of the most hidden Disney secrets that can help you are the things that will get you to the park that will help you carry your belongings that will give you the least hassle and stress. Wearing a backpack will help you control the weight of everything while keeping your hands free. Just make sure you don’t weigh the backpack too much because your shoulders and back will be tired at the end of a long day. Another great tip is to wear a money belt. A money belt is a great place to keep all your important documents, such as money, park tickets, credit cards, fast passes, etc. This will deter thieves leaving you less stressed. Plus, you always know where your important documents are.

I hope these hidden Disney secrets help you plan your Disney vacation. Just make sure you try not to get too stressed and enjoy every moment because sometimes the holidays can go wrong. Every little tip helps!

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