
Erasing college debt: is it possible?

It is a real fact in our country that young people are in crisis. An even worse fact is that most of them are not always aware of it. The average college graduate leaves a 4-year undergraduate program with a debt of between 80K and 250K. It is also a fact that 50% of these young adults do not find work and return to live with their parents. In the other half that do, half of them don’t get jobs in their intended fields, and the average starting salary with a bachelor’s degree is $ 30,000 a year, some more, some a lot less.

This is causing an almost invisible crisis, which is only now beginning to be exposed to the general public. This gross gap between financial inputs and output is becoming dangerously large. In 2007, student debt surpassed credit card and auto loan debt with a total of approximately $ 1 trillion. There were 18.2 million students enrolled in a two- to four-year college in 2007. That means 5.7% of the entire US population was generating more debt than the rest. Worse yet, young people who are piling up this massive amount of debt are trying to do the opposite: educate themselves to get a good job and achieve financial freedom!

Why do only 12 percent of legally employed college graduates earn more than 100,000 in the entire American workforce? The numbers just don’t add up. How is it possible that a small demographic of people accumulates so much debt with the intention of not doing it and then ends up in a system that does not help them achieve their true dreams and aspirations that accompany the mindset of going to college? People are investing more in their education than they are getting from it and the balance will continue to tip in the wrong direction and lead to economic turmoil. What remains is a frustrated generation of young people with enormous potential! Children of the age of INFORMATION!

These are times of great technological advances; Today you can literally fit the world in your pocket. Instant access to the answer to any question, the results of any game, but the most important thing is instant access to the others! All of these wonderful things this generation was blessed with are headed for disaster!

What can we do? In front of us it would seem as if we had an equation: frustrated young people, in the most social and information-friendly period in all of human history, so, in essence, a huge chain of communication with nothing to capitalize on. Or is there? Think about it: what does it take for any product or business to be successful? A way for people to find out and a way to reach them.

Why don’t we use the free tech tools we’ve been given for both of us? We can and must, and better yet, we just defined a Network Marketer, the second highest paying profession in the US, no college degree required! Network markers aspire to create a community of like-minded people who work together to make other people aware of certain products, services, and ideas. Most of us do this every day for free! We use brands and labels, advertise companies on our clothing, and receive no compensation. I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t seem fair. Millions of people are starting to get involved with network marketing and they are seeing results.

In essence, there is a way for young and motivated college students to find a flexible and unlimited source of income and, most importantly, pay off their college debt!

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