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Feng Shui Wealth Tips

Are you looking for wealth feng shui tips? If you want more of the green stuff (and wouldn’t we all?), Feng Shui offers practical advice for improving your wealth. To get started, consider consulting a bagua chart. This chart will help you determine your home’s wealth area. I include a link to a bagua chart in the resources section, but it’s easy to determine without one.

To find your home’s wealth area without a bagua map, start at the front door of your home, looking in. Where the back left corner of your house is, is your area of ​​wealth. To determine the wealth corner of each room, start at the room’s entrance facing in (if there are two entrances, use the main one) and again look for that room’s left rear corner. That is the corner of wealth.

Once you know it, you can use that knowledge to improve it and the wealth corner of each room to bring more prosperity into your life. For example, you may decide to include one or more wealth ships, Chinese coins, or perhaps a money frog.

Beyond this, here are some easy-to-employ feng shui wealth tips:

1. Cover all drains (these symbolize the flow of wealth away from your home). Simply using the drain plugs and keeping the toilet lid closed should do the trick. You can also choose to close and keep your bathroom door closed.

2. Have a water source in the wealth area of ​​your home. This could be a fountain, pool, or aquarium. Make sure the water stays clear and include plants or fish, especially goldfish, in this area. Take good care of these fish and plants! Replace them if they die.

3. Do not have a fountain outside your house with the water coming out of your house. It should flow towards your house, bringing wealth and good luck.

4. And perhaps most importantly, make sure the wealth section of your home is clear of needed repairs and free of clutter. It must be bright, with a good flow of energy.

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