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Finding a great sugar daddy means writing a great sugar baby profile

Marketing yourself as a sugar baby is the foundation of your success. You have to do it right and you have to do it honestly. What you say about yourself and how you present yourself through your photos is the first impression that your potential sugar daddy has of you and will be the reason why he clicks on you or goes to see someone else.


Before you start writing something about yourself, consider your photos. You must have authentic photographs of excellent quality. Does this mean that your photos should be taken by a professional? Not necessarily, but they should look like this. Here are some guidelines:

The images you use must be true and accurate. Don’t use stock photos. It may be tempting, but doing so is lying about how you really look. Using fake images is bad karma and a bad marketing technique.
You only need one set for a photo session. Colors can really make or break you, so you have to know what looks good on you. The right tone will favor you; the wrong one will leave you looking exhausted. Take your time with your hair and apply more makeup than you normally would. You can find free professional makeup tips just by searching the internet.

Do not take totally nude photos or photos that expose your private parts. You’re high level, so don’t be skanky. Some men, once they see you naked, they will no longer be compelled to call you. Subtly revealing, sexy clothing is much better. It is part of your seduction and makes them call to get you undressed.

Taking your own photos means that the images are in your control from the start, but it can be difficult to take good selfies. Here are some tips:

The candid shots may have a more natural background, but remember, this is about you. Avoid distracting backgrounds. Choose a plain wall or a screen covered in subtle fabric for headshots.
If you’re posing outdoors or in a garden, keep the background simple—leaves or flowers are fine—but avoid too many colors or viewers will be distracted.

If you’re posing indoors, use a full-length drape as a quick background fix. Bright colors can work well; however, the best colored background is the one that suits your skin tone. Do you look good in cool colors or warm colors? Some people come alive against shades of red (warm skin tones); others look best against soft shades of pink or blue (cool skin tones). Make sure you know what makes you look the best.
Keep clutter out of the background. Leave your pets out of this too.

Pose like a pro. Lean towards the camera to reduce double chin. Lean your body and bend your arms to look slimmer. Keep your shoulders back. Keep your chin down.
Use a good camera with 6 megapixels or more. Fewer megapixels means less detail and clarity, making it look amateurish.

Practice makes perfect. You can take as many photos as you want. No one but you has to see them. This allows you to be silly, creative, and make mistakes. Have fun with it!

write your profile

A well-written profile is imperative to your success. As a general rule, your profile should be informative and easy to read, but not a book.

The method to get more calls, better dads and more money is the effectiveness of your marketing brand. Your “brand” is what makes you unique. The effectiveness of that brand is based on delivery. Your profile should evoke emotions, create a sense of connection with your visitor, and capture their imagination. An effective profile is one that seduces and at the same time offers a solution to a problem or the realization of a fantasy. Your profile should clearly offer to do this.

Don’t compare yourself to non-living objects like food, cars, clothing, or precious stones. The same is true of plants, animals, and the elements. It’s cliché and tacky to boot. Avoid superlatives. Let the sugar daddy decide for himself if you are “the best.” A good rule of thumb is to write a direct announcement about who you are as a sugar baby.

Your profile is not entirely about you. No matter how handsome you are, you should focus on what you can do for your sugar daddy. Let him know that you care about what matters to him and that you want to meet his needs for comfort, relaxation, stress reduction, or an escape for fun and excitement. DO NOT discuss explicit sexual services.

If you have a well-written introduction and a clear description of how you’ll be involved in a mutually beneficial relationship, your profile will answer questions a potential sugar daddy might have. If you can achieve this, you will receive calls and emails from genuinely interested men who have already determined that you have what they want. You have made them believe that you understand their situation and that you can truly meet their expectations. You have become their solution.

If your profile clearly establishes who you relate to best and what problems you solve, you will automatically eliminate the wrong type of man. Don’t worry about missing out on new opportunities. The wrong men never become the right ones.

People act on emotion, not on facts. You must create a powerful and lasting impression that you convey with a unique message. The sensations, thoughts, and feelings that you want to inspire should be woven throughout your profile. Use words that you know will click with the emotions of your viewers. Your future sugar daddy will instantly feel a sense of connection and feel comfortable with you.

Let your prospects know what you offer, what you expect, and the feedback you need. Then they can decide if you can give them what they want, if they can meet their expectations, and if they can afford their time.

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