
Get Your Retina Diagnosed With OCT In Delhi

Your eyes make you see the world around you, we just don’t need to argue or tell you how important eye care is to you. So obviously taking care of your eyes becomes not only important but crucial and we are not just talking about the vision of your eyes but your health care in general. Just as the well-being of your body is important, so is the health of your eyes, and if not taken care of, it can lead to many diseases, including glaucoma, diabetes, and other age-related macular degeneration, that you should not be aware of. so much. To detect such disease, OCT scan is important and there are several OCT centers in Delhi.

One such detailed but non-eye contact or indirect eye scan is Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), which uses light waves to record cross-sectional images of the back of the eye, popularly known as like retina. Unlike other scans, it is absolutely painless and fast, it does not touch the eyeball at all, more like an x-ray, without consuming a lot of time or energy.

You may wonder why these types of eye tests? Why can’t we just have a regular eye exam and be done? The reason is that with OCT technology, distinctive layers of the retina can be seen with every detail of the back of the eye, making the entire testing and study process easier and much more accurate. This gives precision and helps the doctor to diagnose it better.

OCT in Delhi is performed in numerous eye clinics. However, the most well-known and trusted eye clinics in Delhi are Eye7 Centre, Shroff Eye Centre, MM Eyetech Center and Center for Sight among many others who offer OCT in Delhi at a competitive price.

OCT in Delhi is performed on a large scale for the detection of optic nerve disorders and the type of change an eye undergoes after suffering from a disorder such as glaucoma.

OCT in Delhi is diagnosed at MM Eyetech, with their team of the best eye surgeons in Delhi, helping you decide what is right for you. They offer great hospitality services and make you feel very comfortable when it comes to diagnosis or any other health related service. For more information on IOL and cataract surgery, please contact us at 91-11-29847900 or visit

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