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Help, We Keep Fighting, Can I Save This Marriage? 4 simple tips to stop fighting for good

You love your spouse with all your heart and you know that your spouse loves you too. Make no mistake about it though, there are times when you can’t stand each other. The problem is that fighting comes naturally and the peaceful resolution of these conflicts will require some effort.

Although it may be natural for you and your spouses to fight in your relationship. These intense bouts of fighting can make you wonder “can I save this marriage?” The biggest problem with wrestling is that no one wants to be the loser.

A simple argument can turn into an intense fight where things are thrown and both spouses yell and curse at each other. This is not the way to handle disagreements, and fighting more in front of children can have a negative effect on a child.

It’s normal to wonder can I save this marriage when tantrums and tirades take over the happiness in your relationship. Fortunately, you can always learn to dissipate all anger and rationally talk about a solid solution to your problem.

Doing this will make your communication more productive rather than destructive. Take a look at 4 tips that can point you in the direction of ending all the unproductive fights that are ruining your marriage.

The first piece of advice is to dispel any anger. If you and your spouse aren’t dealing with a serious situation like an affair, dissipating all the anger should be a lot easier than you think. If you’re both willing to talk about it, you need to approach it calmly, rationally, and understand that there’s no use fighting. Instead of yelling, you should stay calm and talk about the situation.

The second tip is to find out which solutions work best for both of you. Take some time to talk about the pros and cons of each solution.

It is important that both you and your spouse do not immediately dismiss an idea. Instead, you should look at the benefits of each idea without attacking each other.

The third tip is to be open to compromise. Committing involves coming to a conclusion about the best solution to the problem you are dealing with.

The solution may be a proposal from both of you, a combination of ideas from both of you, or maybe even a new one. Just be open to compromise so that both of you can come to a productive understanding of how to address the issues you are wrestling with.

The fourth and final tip is to stick with it. You should stick to whatever you decide to solve your problems. Show your spouse that he is committed to solving the problems by executing the solution you both talked about. In this state, it is important that you follow through on everything, or else your spouse will probably get angry and this can start another intense fighting episode.

If you’ve ever wondered if I can save this marriage, the answer is yes. Once you learn how to approach situations in your marriage without fighting, you’ll find that it makes everything so much easier.

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