Arts Entertainments

Home audio equipment and speakers: the best ways to save money and maximize quality

The average audio consumer is content to head to the nearest giant electronics superstore in an effort to acquire the latest best buy advertised. Most of the time, the uninitiated assume that the featured speaker selections are at least of good quality. Surprise surprise!

There are many big and well-known brands whose business and professional lines are exceptionally excellent. Unfortunately, much of the quality doesn’t always cross over to home audio models. There are two avenues to explore when shopping for the good quality at the best price. Both, however, take a bit of extra time.

If there is a particular make and model that has caught your attention, proper research is recommended. The first option is to diligently search audio or speaker forums and reviews for different makes and models. Don’t be afraid to join a few and ask for opinions from other users about the speakers in question. Reading some consumer magazines with articles on home audio speakers can also be a good start.

The other option, which can be intimidating to most people, is to build a set of speakers. DIY speaker kits are available as are DIY desktop computers. The local bookstore usually has several good books on loudspeaker building. Many of these same books will provide plans for building the speaker box or enclosure. The internet also has a lot of information to provide and the price can be free.

A word of caution: Many online retailers are simply resellers. Many of these vendors are inexperienced in electronics and other audio equipment. Due to the lack of experience of these “cookie cutter” types of merchants with the products they sell, the consumer should not expect any competent technical support or professional expertise. Instead, it is recommended that the buyer buy from an online retailer who has years of experience with the electronics he sells. His experience can be a valuable tool.

Although building a set of speakers takes more time than just running out to the store and spending your hard-earned money on an overpriced pair of speakers, one can often build a much better quality pair of speakers for the same amount of money or less. The key advantage of building a set of speakers is the personal experience and skills gained from a DIY project, like this one. They will be valuable in future projects and repairs. In fact, the careers of many individuals

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