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How to make a rebound relationship work for you

A rebound relationship means your ex is dating someone else to get over you. Rebound relationships are used to help someone leave real love behind. The question now is “If you’ve broken up with your love and she’s in a rebound relationship, how do you get her back?”

Rebound relationships keep people from having to deal with the emotions of the breakup and your ex is in one now to deal with losing you.

The important thing now is that you have true love. No matter the fact that she lost you, that it was your fault or hers or whose fault it was that ended the relationship, it doesn’t matter now.

If you were a nice guy while she was in the relationship with you, she’ll probably be hanging out with a bad guy now if she’s in a rebound relationship. She will be doing the opposite of what you have always done with her in the rebound relationship.

By doing the opposite of what she would have been doing with you, her attention is still focused on you and this is good for you and also gives you a chance to see what she is looking for.

If the person she is with is someone who is different from you in the way you relate to problems, it means that something was missing in the relationship that she is having with the other guy. You can use the time that she is with the bounce man to improve yourself.

You have to let the rebound relationship run its course. As you spend time with the new man, you will start to find fault and see fault with him and after a while, you will start to look pretty good.

No need to crawl back to her, let the rebound relationship run its course and soon enough, she’ll start to see the good things she misses in the relationship. When she makes the move to return, she greets her warmly. She be a new and improved boyfriend without having to chase.

Here are some specific steps to take when your ex is in a rebound relationship:

1-Do not try to give reasons why it was not your fault. She will come to appreciate that over time. This can only be achieved if you haven’t made her invest energy trying to defend her position that she was your fault.

2-Do not get into unnecessary apologies. You can apologize once if you did something wrong and move on, she knows the real reason why she loves you.

3-Do not try to make her feel that you cannot live without her or that you are the love of her life, let her discover it herself.

4-Do not start making promises of change. She fell in love with you just the way you are in the first place.

5-Never, never beg him to accept you

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