How to Tell If Your HVAC System Needs Repair

HVAC System Needs Repair

The HVAC system is one of the most important aspects of your home. It ensures you are comfortable and safe. However, sometimes problems arise. The good news is that many issues can be easily repaired by a professional technician. Some common furnace issues that may need repair are noises, odors, sluggish operation, and poor air flow. If you notice any of these, it is time to call for a furnace repair.

A rattling sound is often caused by loose cover panels on the furnace cabinet. Make sure that all of the panel covers are screwed in tightly. This will eliminate the rattling noise.

If the heating system is not producing enough heat or the house feels cold, it is likely due to a dirty filter or a thermostat that has been turned down too low. Replace the filter and check the thermostat settings. If the problem persists, call an HVAC specialist.

In some cases, the combustion flue, which moves combustible by-products safely out of your home, can become clogged with debris or critters. Your technician will evaluate the flue and clear any obstructions.

Duct leaks can be a big energy drain and cause poor air quality in your home. Leaking ducts are an indication that the ductwork is not properly insulated and/or that it is in need of repair. Your HVAC expert will inspect your ductwork and look for any new duct leaks, deterioration, or insulation loss. They will also measure the air flow in each room of your home.

How to Tell If Your HVAC System Needs Repair

A musty or stale odor is another indication that the ductwork needs repair. Mold growth in ducts can affect the quality of your air and, by extension, your health. If mold is present, your HVAC technician will inspect and clean the ducts.

If the heating unit keeps cycling on and off, it is likely due to a malfunctioning thermocouple or ignitor. These components need to be cleaned regularly to prevent excessive wear and tear. Check your owner’s manual or the instructions posted inside your furnace cabinet for step-by-step lighting instructions.

The blower wheel, which circulates the air through your HVAC system and into your ductwork, can be dirty or need replacement. When the blower is not functioning correctly, it will strain your furnace to keep up with your heating requirements and raise your energy bills.

An HVAC technician will examine the blower wheel and may need to remove the access panel and either tighten or replace the blower belt. A loose or worn-out belt will cause a high-pitched squeal that can be loud and frustrating.

A regular duct inspection can prevent expensive and inconvenient furnace repairs. It is recommended that you schedule a yearly HVAC duct inspection to ensure your ducts are not leaking, in need of repair, or are the proper size for your home.

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