
Learn the secrets to earning ISK in Eve Online

Eve online has thousands of players online, every day, each of them generally looking for the same thing. isk. To be clear, ISK is in-game currency, and the more you have, the better off you’ll be, simply because everything in EVE is expensive. Very expensive. Fortunately, ISK is quite easy to earn, but only if you know some of the best tips and tricks. In this article, I’m going to reveal some of those tips to get you started in the right direction. The best part of these strategies is that they apply regardless of your skill level; Whether you’re in your first week in the game or approaching your 3rd anniversary, you’ll learn new secrets and unlock your earning potential with these gems.

However, before we begin, I just want to assure you that all strategies are 100% legal and do not violate any terms or conditions of Eve Online or CCP (the game developer). There are no macros, bots, hacks, or risk of your account being locked out. And this is not an article about buying ISK from a third party website, you will earn all ISK yourself in this guide.

When you start out as a newbie you will need to learn some basic skills first, knowing how and where to put some of your intelligence points will help you drastically reduce the learning time for your characters. Not just in these early times, but later on as you learn more complex skills, having these scores and other skills trained can really improve your overall learning time. Focus on learning your skills, they may not seem important compared to starship maneuvering or tracking moving targets, but they can greatly reduce your characters’ training time.

Learn to rescue. As soon as you can, picking up Salvaging 1 and Salvaging 2 will be a great source of income. By learning these skills, you will be able to collect pirate and rat scraps from missions or asteroid battles, and collect key components that would otherwise be hard to find on the market. Salvaging will add to your cargo hold, so make sure you have plenty of room to load, and don’t be afraid to stop at a space station to empty your hold, then come back for the loot later. Refining and selling looted components can sometimes double or even triple your profit from a quest or quest line. And that leads to another tip.

refining It’s not just for extracting minerals. The raw materials you collect from pirate scraps can often break down into raw materials that others in the game are dying for. These materials are also available from mining, but mining can be extremely tedious and boring. I highly recommend refining your ore from the materials you salvage, rather than digging holes in asteroids. I won’t go so far as to say, never mine, if you have time to kill, or want to take a break from hunting and looting, mining can be a great distraction. Training your mining skills can be a great way to kill some downtime, and if you manage to find some rare materials, it’s well worth your time.

The last piece of advice that I am going to share is the most dangerous. Low Security Zones. Unless you’re feeling pretty brave or silly, stay above 0.5 safety zones. While PVP is a big part of the game, you want to have a specific loadout and ship type before entering these highly dangerous sections. Yes, it’s true that truly rare and valuable materials are more easily found in lower security zones, your money-making ship is worth more. If you want to take on others, build a PVP ship, buy new insurance, and prepare to lose everything in your cargo hold. If you go into low security zones, with anything but a warship, then you’re pretty much just going to be target practice.

Don’t get me wrong PVP in EVE Online is great it’s truly one of the best PVP experiences in online gaming and a big reason why I still play it to this day but if you’re trying to do ISK then 0.5 is the lowest you want to go. Don’t worry, the rats in 0.5 spaces can still be more than enough of a challenge if you’re not paying attention or getting arrogant.

There you have it, master the above techniques and you’ll be well on your way to earning more than enough ISK daily to keep your ship well equipped and your pockets full.

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