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Light mahogany

Mahogany is usually reddish brown in color. However, the wood itself is not exactly the same color and has variations in its darkness. The different related species of the mahogany tree have different hues from the lightest pink tones to red, gold, and dark brown. Another factor that decides the color of hardwood is its age; young mahogany wood is light; the older it gets, the darker it gets.

Many of the famous antique pieces were quite light in color when they were finished years ago. Although most people associate mahogany with a dark reddish color, it is originally a lighter brown when left in the natural finish without any staining; the red color is the result of the stain and is not the natural color.

Stains are applied to wood as part of its finishing process. These stains give furniture an additional depth of color and shine. Stains are applied not only to mahogany wood; other hardwoods are also colored with the various shades of stain. For example, red stains are used to finish walnut wood furniture to obtain a deep red color like red wine. The red stain will look good on three different woods: mahogany, cherry, and walnut.

The color of true mahogany ranges from light pinkish browns to dark browns. However, other species of wood, which are also sold in the name of mahogany but are not genuine mahogany, have lighter shades ranging from yellow to brown. For example, Royal Mahogany, which has a similar lustrous appearance and easy workability to true mahogany, comes in pale to dark red-brown colors; Khaya mahogany is generally brown; Sapele mahogany is pinkish red or reddish brown in color; Sipo mahogany is dark red to brown in color; and the white mahogany has a light golden yellow color. All of these are not genuine mahogany but resemble it in grain, hardness, and durability. Since true mahogany or its related species have slightly darker colors that deepen as they mature, the light mahogany tones of any substitute wood can be used as a cheaper, lighter alternative.

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