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New summary available for ‘Advanced Layouts by Design’

Think, research, plan and do – all the hard work of putting together a presentation is worth nothing if the audience isn’t convinced to act. Unfortunately, in this age where success depends so much on the ability to communicate complex information effectively, presenters are overwhelmed by bad advice on presentation design. In Advanced Presentations by Design, marketing and communications expert Dr. Andrew Abela offers readers ten steps to improve presentation impact. His Extreme Presentation™ method, which is based on hundreds of empirical studies and has been successfully tested by multiple Fortune 500 companies, helps presenters determine who their target audience is, what that audience needs to know, and how that information should be conveyed. information to promote Values.

Today’s presenters are faced with a lot of bad presentation design advice. To ensure they create successful presentations that grab attention and move audiences to action, presenters should follow the ten steps of Extreme Presentation™:

  1. Identify the communication preferences of the different personality types in the audience. Presenters need to identify whether their audience members are inward-focused or outward-focused, prefer the details or the big picture, like to focus on logic or sentiment, and want direct conclusions or a variety of options.
  2. Set specific goals for what the audience should think and do differently after the presentation. Objectives should include both behavioral and attitudinal components that encourage audience members to take desired actions.
  3. Identify a problem the audience is having and let the presentation help solve it. To keep the audience engaged in a presentation, the problem must be real and cause the audience personal or professional pain if not resolved. List all the information that may need to be included in the presentation. Evidence can strengthen the persuasiveness of a presentation, but only if it is real, specific, new, and different.
  4. Identify short anecdotes that highlight the most important points. The three types of stories that tend to be very effective are those that are directly related to an organization or a problem, those that are hypothetical, and those that are metaphorical.
  5. Sequence information so it tells a compelling story. Effective stories repeatedly create tensions and resolve them.
  6. Identify the most effective graphic elements to use in the presentation. Graphics should be diverse and relevant to enhance the presentation.
  7. Create images that communicate information concisely and effectively. PowerPoint’s Smart Art, Ballroom, and Conference Room styles are the three most popular methods for conveying information visually.
  8. Identify any potential obstacles to achieving your goals and make a plan to address each one. Because not all the people needed to implement a presentation’s recommendations will be in attendance, a presenter must have a plan to get the message out to everyone.
  9. Decide how the success of the presentation will be measured. Generally, the success of a presentation is determined by whether or not the audience takes the requested action.

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