
Online Network Marketing: How To Drive Traffic To Your Business

How many of you decided to start a network marketing business online only to find out that just having a website on the internet didn’t mean thousands of hungry shoppers were flooding you with traffic? In this article I’m going to talk about what it takes to become a successful online network marketer.

Lots of people jump on the internet every day hoping to make money with an online network marketing company. There are so many different opportunities to think that it’s almost overwhelming. Be sure to do the proper due diligence before settling on the perfect opportunity for you. After finding the perfect network marketing company that fits your criteria, it’s time to start your internet marketing and advertising to drive targeted prospects and potential product buyers to your website.

Domain Names: Domains are like real estate, you will control the traffic to this domain for the rest of your life.

Most online network marketing companies offer their distributors a replicated company website with an affiliate URL like: [] Don’t make the same mistake that I made in the first year of my online network marketing business. What bug is it you ask? You are advertising the address of the replicated website. The reason you don’t want to market to this URL is that if the business ever decides to change the name of the website, all of their marketing efforts and TRAFFIC will go to a DEAD URL.

You want to go and register a couple of easy domain names that you will own and control and be able to redirect all traffic flowing to these domains to any website of your choice for life. I personally use for my domain name registration. Some of my team members also use The first domain name to register is because everyone you meet knows how to spell your name.

Take a look at (which is me by the way 🙂 ) and you will find a very simple web page describing me that is hosted on my main website directing well traffic to see my main website after hearing my story. Next, you’ll want to think about one or two other areas that relate to your network marketing opportunity and your network marketing products. Here’s an example I use to market a new MLM program:

After registering your domains, you’ll want to log into the domain registration site and find the option (frame forwarding or masking) that will allow you to redirect or point your domain name to your company’s replicated e-commerce website or site opportunity marketing website

Marketing: creating a steady stream of high-quality website visitors

After deciding on your domain names and getting them redirected correctly, it’s time to start marketing your network marketing business. As you begin to advertise your domain names for your opportunity, you’ll want to use the “Catch where the fish are” concept. what do I want to say with that? I want you to use a targeted marketing approach to build your network marketing business. You want to attract other business-minded people who are looking to start some type of online business. The first thing you want to do is visit your favorite search engine and start looking for the different specific keywords that people will be searching for to find information on starting an online business. Do a search for (mlm, network marketing, business opportunity, work from home, online business, ect…) any keyword or phrase you want to target on the internet. You will get a list of the top 10 websites that rank for those keywords and phrases. Next, you’ll want to explore each of the websites and look for ways to advertise on these successful and highly visited websites. I call this the “Piggy Back Marketing Effect” because these websites are already getting tons of traffic. Find a way to get your ad and link to your domain name on these sites.

What are you looking for when you visit these highly ranked websites? Most sites offer various forms of advertising within their websites. You can pay banner ads or text ads on the main web pages of the website. There are also several ways to advertise on this FREE site. You can search for forums or message boards or even the website’s guestbook. Some of these places will allow blatant advertising, while some of the FREE ways to market on the sites will be in the form of participation or writing a little greeting in the guestbook, any way of leaving a link to your domain name on one of these websites is key.

The idea of ​​”Catch where the fish are” and “Piggy Back” marketing will give you an endless source of prospects or product buyers who will visit your website because you put your ad and domain in front of them where they were looking. the type of information you were offering. The key to Internet marketing success is consistency and persistence. You should place a new ad or link to your website daily.

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