5 Ways To Pay For Your Bar Exam Prep Course!

As most of you know … I am a recent graduate and of course I am studying for my bar exam this summer. I was lucky enough to receive a full scholarship to take a BarBri course offered through my state’s “Lawyer Review School”. Now, I was surprised to learn that when I mentioned this on Twitter, many students were […]

Traditional versus modern digital research methods

Digital media has spawned many new forms of customer research. Many companies are now embracing the many new methodologies and we have seen how marketers have adapted digital methodologies over traditional methods. They do this because new digital research methods are seen to be much cheaper, faster, and generate more results. But is it really worth giving up traditional methods […]

Why do dogs like stuffed toys?

She is an amazing certified therapy dog, but she will steal the residents’ stuffed toys if you let her. Now for those of you who are handy with a needle, you can remove the padding and fill the toy with sturdy fabric – that way, it will last forever! I think dogs feel closer to being a dog when they […]

Benefits of hiring a real estate attorney

Are you planning to buy or sell a real estate property but don’t really have enough knowledge when it comes to legal matters related to transactions? If so, you may want to consider hiring a real estate attorney to do the work for you. In fact, if you have had a real estate transaction in the past, you know how […]

3 qualities for massive success

This world can be divided into two categories. The first category can be called “Seekers” and the second category can be called “Doers.” While most of the population would like to believe that they fall into the category of “Doers,” ironically, they want to do, but they almost never “do” what they want. The biggest difference between those who are […]

Buddhist Funeral Etiquette

Buddhist Funeral Buddhist funeral etiquette differs from Hindu funeral etiquette in many ways. The first is that there is no place for flowers on the funeral pyre. This is because the deceased was not a practitioner of the religion and was, therefore, considered as an outsider by the Buddha. Even the cremation itself is different in that, in Hindu funerals, […]