
Pavlov’s Effective Puppy Training Tricks

For those of you who have trouble teaching your puppies training tricks and are thinking of spending hundreds of dollars on a good obedience school, rest easy! There’s no need. The 19th century Russian psychologist, Ivan Pavlov, discovered the efficacy of conditional dog training with his experiment on his dog. The experiment that Ivan Pavlov conducted with his dog was to see if the dog would come ringing a bell in expectation of a reward. When Pavlov rang his bell, he gave his dog a piece of meat when he arrived. Pavlov later found out that the dog would come at the sound of the bell because he associated the sound of the bell with getting a piece of meat.

Ivan Pavlov’s Dog Experiment and Puppy Obedience Training they basically have the same thing in common. Basically, most obedience training is based on Pavlov’s findings. The only difference is that the sound of Pavlov’s bell has been replaced by a command, but the principle remains the same. The pup hears the command “COME” and comes because he has been trained to expect a treat when he hears that command. It’s that simple, so why spend hundreds of dollars on expensive obedience schools when obedience training is so simple you can do it yourself! Just go to the pet aisle of your local store and pick up some dog treats and give one to your pup whenever he comes over when you say “COME ON!”

This conditional puppy training doesn’t just work with training your dog to come. You can also use Pavlov’s conditional training to teach your dog other commands. For example, teaching your dog to sit works the same way. On the command “SIT,” give your dog a treat each time he sits down. You may need to gently push his butt down to get him to sit, so he knows he’s supposed to sit when he hears “SIT!”

How about training your dog with some entertaining tricks? You probably doubt that Pavlovian conditional learning tactics for training your pup won’t work, right? Wrong. Pavlovian tactics also work great for puppy training tricks. The important thing is that you get your puppy to understand the action he should take when he hears a certain word and give him a treat when he takes the appropriate action when he hears that word. It works as a thousand wonders. So how do you get your pup to understand what actions he should take based on commands? Well, that depends on the trick you want him to learn. Some tricks are below.

Training your puppy to shake is probably one of the most common tricks that people like to teach their dogs. This is also one of my favorite tricks, especially with large dogs who like to put their paws on your leg or elsewhere. This is also one of the easiest tricks to teach your dog. Shake it by gently lifting its paw up and shake it like you’re going to shake a hand while saying “SHAKE!” Give him a treat and then he will raise his paw for you to shake. To be really cute, have your dog sit first, and then as he sits, say “SHAKE” and have him hold up his paw for you to shake. This can be a nice show for house guests.

Training your puppy to sing it can be a bit trickier and may not work for all dogs. This usually works for dogs that like to howl or bray. My first grade teacher had a dog that would sing with us when we had music class. This was pretty fun, but it’s a pretty hard trick to teach your dog. The best way is to have your dog sit down and then while you play a song, have him howl the command “SING!” You may have to howl to get your pup to howl. When your puppy starts howling on command, give him a treat.

Training your pup many different tricks will depend on the breed of the dog. Some puppies may not be able to do all the tricks, but several of the basic tricks are mentioned in this article.

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