
Put variety in your second grade lesson plan

Lesson plans always take a lot of time and dedication to put together. Each teacher has their own method for creating the perfect second grade lesson plan. One thing that every teacher has in common is the variety that must be included in the plan. Children get bored when the same methods are used over and over again, especially young children in second grade. Children need variety, including hands-on teaching, worksheets, and even computer time. Each child has a different method of learning, so it’s important for teachers to include variety in their second grade lesson plan.

practical learning
Children love to put their hands in things. Whether you’re planning a science experiment or teaching a new math concept, giving kids the ability to use their hands to learn gives them another perspective on the subject. Using more than one sense allows children to really get into what they are learning. Even kids who don’t require hands-on techniques to understand a subject will enjoy the hands-on learning it provides.

Work sheets
Worksheets have been around since school started. It is the tried and true method of most teachers. While many schools are moving away from the strict use of worksheets as a teaching method, at some point they are necessary. In second grade, children can begin to make worksheets on their own with little direction. Providing worksheets in combination with other teaching methods will reinforce the topics being taught, as well as give teachers a way to gauge each child’s understanding of the topic.

Today, computers are an essential part of teaching. Using computers in your second grade lesson plan allows visual learners to really understand the topic. Using a computer allows children to use their eyes, ears, and hands. All these senses combine to give children a great method of learning. There are many reputable educational websites available that offer games that are perfect for incorporating into your lesson plans. They overlap with the core 2nd grade curriculum, giving teachers another outlet for their lessons.

Hands-on learning, worksheets, and computer time create the perfect blend of learning for students of all levels. Each classroom is filled with a diverse group of children. Instead of catering to the way most learn, incorporate a wide variety of methods into your second grade lesson plan and watch your students thrive.

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