
Types of freshwater aquarium fish: the best selection of fish

If you’re not sure what types of freshwater aquarium fish you should get, this handy guide will give you some tips on how to make the best selection. The fish must be chosen using specific criteria. Choose based on hardiness, health, ability to socialize with other types of fish, aesthetics, and finally cost.

One of the most popular among fish fans is the betta. Among the males, also known as Siamese fighting fish, there is a beautiful and vivid fish that draws a lot of attention due to its brilliance of color. The females of the fish have more subdued colors. In an aquarium, hobbyists may allow female bettas to live together as they will not fight each other. However, the males do not tolerate the inclusion of other male bettas. They will fight until one or the other is

Another favorite in the fish family for those with large tanks is catfish. The catfish is so named because of the long cat whiskers that grow from each side of its mouth. While most fish have scales, catfish do not and because of this they have a more elegant appearance. Catfish eat both plants and other fish and, as a result, do not do well in tanks with small fish. This type of fish is known to grow to a staggering weight. Catfish are not a good choice for people who want to keep a smaller tank.

The silver dollar fish is popular with hobbyists for its appearance. This fish gets its name from the slim, rounded appearance that resembles a silver dollar. Silver dollar fish average five inches in length, although some have been known to grow larger. They get along well with other fish and need to be in schools to thrive. One downside of fish is that they will eat live plants.

Foil barbel, so called because it looks like aluminum foil, should not be purchased by beginners who are unsure about wanting to breed long-term fish, as they have a long lifespan. Fish with tin foil spikes grow to a large size and although they are useful for tanks because they eat algae, they have a large appetite and eat small fish. For those who decide they want this type of fish, the tank should be no smaller than fifty-five gallons. These fish need to be with other fish of their species, since it is a school fish.

For more experienced fish hobbyists, the clown loach is an ideal choice. This colorful striped fish can be up to a foot long and needs to be with other loaches. The reason this is not a good beginner fish is because it will succumb to poor water quality and it takes practice to keep the water in the balance necessary for these fish.

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